Economic Development introduces bilingual AI chatbot 'Clive' for enhanced customer service

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Mayor Joseph U. Meyer, City Of Covington | City Of Covington website



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An innovative feature has been launched on the Economic Development website in Covington, Kentucky. The new addition is a chatbot named "Clive," which takes inspiration from a 30-foot fiberglass alien art display. This chatbot can converse in both English and Spanish and aims to assist users by answering questions related to business operations, available commercial properties, incentives, and required permits.

Susan Smith, the City’s Business Attraction Manager, explained that the primary motivation behind creating this chatbot was convenience. "The convenience factor is the main reason we created this. We want to be more customer-service oriented," she stated. Smith emphasized that while the chatbot provides quick access to information spread throughout their comprehensive website, human interaction remains available via phone, email, or in-person meetings.

Smith's interest in chatbots was piqued during a recent International Economic Development Council conference where it was revealed that only about 4 percent of economic development organizations' websites were utilizing such technology. She collaborated with Todd Sink, Covington’s Manager of Analytics and Intelligence, who had been exploring artificial intelligence possibilities for public service enhancement.

"I’ve always wanted to find a way or ways to use at least some form of artificial intelligence to enhance public service, and this is a tool I’ve always wanted to create," Sink commented.

To give Clive its unique identity reflecting Economic Development's quirky character, Sink used the alien figure from local art displays as its face. He worked with Executive Assistant Carolann Baughman for graphics creation and customized the software by training Clive with relevant information.

Sink added an element of personality to Clive: "Ask Clive the chatbot what his favorite movie is," he suggested. The response might intrigue users familiar with current IT trends and James Cameron’s cyborg-themed films.



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