News published on Business Daily in October 2016

News from October 2016

The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) recently reviewed the 9th Biennial Transmission Assessment to ensure reliability of Arizona’s existing and planned transmission systems.

Gas utilities and pipeline companies took center stage at a recent Arizona Corporation Commission meeting, explaining how they plan to ensure reliable service to customers during the winter.

The Arizona Department of Transportation is working on its long-range transportation plan and seeks input from the public.

SYNLawn Arizona, the only distributor of SYNLawn artificial grass products in the state, will celebrate the opening of its new Phoenix facility with a free public event Nov. 11-12.

APS reminds customers that saving energy can be a real treat, but 'energy vampires' in a home can be a trick.

Health insurance exchanges for individuals are collapsing and will fall apart no matter who controls the various branches of government following the election, one health expert is predicting.

The Arizona Water Protection Fund will be considering proposals to address river and stream issues pertaining to water quantity or quality beginning next week.

The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) said recently it is taking steps to make things easier for beginning drivers working toward getting their driver's licences.

The Arizona Corporation Commission is holding an open meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday in Phoenix to consider more than 30 agenda items, several which deal with utility company rates.

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is considering issuing an Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) renewal permit to the United States Bureau of Reclamation for the Davis Dam water treatment plant near Bullhead City.

UniSource Energy Services (UES), based in Tucson, reminds customers to beware of calls from scammers pretending to be UES employees and threatening to disconnect service over unpaid bills.

The Arizona Technology Council recently appointed four new members to its board of directors.

Salt River Project is about to start a three-week test burn of 3,900 tons of forest debris at its Coronado Generating Station (CGS) near St. Johns.

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is considering the renewal of an Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to Kings Ranch Unit 2 Domestic Wastewater Improvement District to release wastewater from the Black Canyon treatment plant into the Agua Fria River basin in Yavapai County.

The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce will announce this year's ATHENA Award recipients at an awards luncheon Wednesday in Scottsdale.

A public notice has been issued by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), which plans to renew the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) permit to the town of Snowflake.

Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and John McCain (R-AZ) introduced the Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act to settle the water rights claims of the Hualapai tribe.

Arizona 811, Southwest Gas and APS remind Arizona residents that it is important to know about underground utilities before digging any holes.

SRP recently honored 16 innovative Valley businesses, schools and nonprofits at its Champions of Energy Efficiency Awards and Luncheon.

The U.S. Energy Department is offering $21.4 million to fund 17 new projects that help reduce the 'soft costs' found with solar energy, such as installation, permits and connecting to the power grid.