Ohio residents face rising energy bills due to extreme cold weather

Ohio residents face rising energy bills due to extreme cold weather

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John Bigalbal Chief Operating Officer, Generation | AES Ohio



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Ohio's recent cold snap has resulted in higher energy bills for residents, according to AES Ohio, a subsidiary of The AES Corporation. The company attributes the increased costs to the state's coldest January in ten years, which brought extended subzero temperatures.

AES Ohio warns that more extreme weather is expected soon, likely leading to further increases in heating bills. "Winter utility bills are often higher because it takes more energy to heat your home to the temperature you set," the company stated. It explained that even if thermostat settings remain unchanged, colder conditions demand more energy.

The company highlighted several factors contributing to higher winter bills: heating and cooling account for over half of home energy usage; billing cycles may vary in length; and people tend to use more electricity during colder months due to spending more time indoors.

To help customers manage their energy consumption and reduce costs, AES Ohio offers several efficiency tips. These include setting thermostats back by at least 8 degrees when away or sleeping and ensuring airflow is not obstructed by furniture or curtains. They also recommend using sunlight for natural warmth during the day and keeping windows covered at night.

For those struggling with payments, various assistance programs are available:

- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides an annual benefit.

- Winter Crisis Program (WCP) helps maintain necessary utility services.

- Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus) bases payments on household income.

- Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) offers residential efficiency support.

- Gift of Power assists customers facing financial challenges who don't qualify for other programs.

AES Ohio serves over 539,000 customers across a large service area in West Central Ohio. To learn more about managing winter energy costs or available assistance programs, visit aes-ohio.com.



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