Covington honors city employees who are military veterans

Covington honors city employees who are military veterans

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Ken Smith City Manager | City of Covington



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Covington, Ky. – Covington is home to numerous memorial sites, statues, and plaques that pay tribute to the military veterans who have served the country in both peace and war. The city recognizes the bravery of its sons and daughters who have faced various challenges during their service.

Monday marks Veterans Day. City Hall will be closed in observance, but today serves as an opportunity to honor all veterans in Covington. Special recognition is given to those working within the city's departments:

In Administration, Harold Conley served in the Army. The Finance Department includes Jerome Heist, also from the Army.

The Fire Department honors several veterans: Matt Archer (Navy), Aaron Bolyard (Army), Nick Boots (Navy), Joe Bowman (Army), Andrew Burk (Army), Ben Erdman (Marine Corps), Terry Galliher (Army), Chris Greer (Army), Jacob Hughes (Air Force), Sara McPherson Jenkins (Air Force), Brandon Kersting (Air Force), Jonathan Krull (Army), Kaleb Miller (Navy), Mark Ober (Army), Jordan Warner (Marine Corps), Ben Wasson (Army), Cornell White (Marine Corps), Zack Williams (Air Force) and Stan Wylie (Army).

Neighborhood Services recognizes Walt Mace from the Army.

The Police Department lists many veterans: Charlie Beil (Navy), Joshua Bornhorn (Army), Nicollette Brown (Marine Corps), Robert Christen (Army), Jeff Cook (Marine Corps), David Coots (Air Force), Daniel Elsbernd (Marine Corps), David Finan (Navy), Michael Gilliland (Army) William Gonzalez( Army ), David Griswold(Marine Corps ), Christopher Haubner( Army ), Phouthakone Homphothichak( Army ), Kenzy Hotaling( Army ), David Hoyle(Marine Corps ), Matt Hugenberg(Air Force ), Kevin Igo( Army ), Marcus Jordan( Army ), Joshua Knott( Army ), John Mairose( - Army ) Cody Monson( - Army ) Bradley Morris(Air Force ) John Murphy(Marine Corps ) Jacob Noe( - Army ) Brian Powers( - Army ) Joseph Richer(Air Force ) Robert Rose( - Marine Corps/Marines) Jackson Sora(- army /army/air force/) Zachary Stayton(- army/air force/) Johnathon Stribling(- air force /marine corps/marines) Jeffrey Tolliver(-- army/marines/) Kyle Warner(- army/air force/marines/) Steven Willis(- army)

Public Works includes Scott Hahn from the Marine Corps and Rick Smith from the Army.



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