Hamilton County joins nationwide effort supporting military veterans through Operation Green Light

Hamilton County joins nationwide effort supporting military veterans through Operation Green Light

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Robert L. Bell Economic Inclusion and Equity Director | Hamilton County Government



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Hamilton County will participate in the 2024 Operation Green Light for Veterans, a national initiative aimed at supporting military veterans. The county commissioners have announced plans to illuminate county buildings green from November 4-11 as part of this effort. This initiative is led by the National Association of Counties (NACo) and aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by veterans and highlight available resources.

Operation Green Light is now in its third year and is organized by NACo alongside the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers. It builds on efforts initiated by the New York State Association of Counties and other organizations in 2021. In 2023, over 300 counties took part in this initiative.

Alicia Reece, President of the Board of County Commissioners, stated, "Hamilton County has a proud history of serving our Veterans including our recent and first-ever Veterans Appreciation Day at Great American Ballpark where over 3,000 people, veterans and their loved ones, found direct access to resources and services.” She emphasized that illuminating county buildings green sends a message of support and gratitude for veterans.

Commissioner Denise Driehaus added that Operation Green Light shows veterans they are valued and supported. Commissioner Stephanie Summerow Dumas also noted that lighting up buildings highlights the sacrifices made by veterans and underscores Hamilton County's commitment to providing them with necessary resources.

The initiative encourages residents, businesses, and organizations to participate by changing one light bulb inside or outside their homes to green. This gesture aims to show appreciation for veterans' service while fostering conversations about their needs.

Matthew Chase, NACo Executive Director, remarked that Operation Green Light serves as a gesture of support for public service provided by veterans. He expressed hope that as counties across the country light up various landmarks, veterans will feel appreciated for their contributions.

Participation details are being shared on social media under #OperationGreenLight.



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