Amazon uses technology and amenities to keep employees cool during summer months

Amazon uses technology and amenities to keep employees cool during summer months

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Amazon has reported that it is utilizing technology, amenities, and preventative measures to protect its employees from summertime heat. The company emphasized that safety is its top priority.

According to a news article published on Amazon’s website, the company employs more than 9,000 safety professionals at its locations worldwide. A core focus for the safety team is maintaining comfortable temperatures inside its buildings. It has installed various cooling technologies, including climate control systems. Throughout the day, its Building Management Systems measure the temperature and heat index (temperature plus humidity) inside the facilities and then notify employees when conditions change.

The article states that Amazon's heat mitigation practices meet or surpass state requirements and federal guidance. Employees at its North American fulfillment centers work in climate-controlled workplaces, using industrial fans and air-conditioned crew vans at its Amazon Air hubs.

Amazon provides training to all employees and partners on recognizing signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, environmental and personal risk factors, and hydration guidance. It also encourages workers to take preventive cool-down rest breaks when needed and to "speak up" about any temperature-related issues.

The company also constantly evaluates new methods to care for its drivers when temperatures fluctuate. Amazon vehicles are equipped with air conditioning, and the company has invested more than $59 million to insulate its vans. This year, it is rolling out Driver Comfort to 143 stations with the greatest heat risk. This driver cooling system targets cool air on the driver rather than the cabin area.

"We’re proud of the investments we’re making to support employees and partners," Amazon stated in the article. "Safety is woven into the fabric of our operations culture, and we will continue to innovate and obsess over it so that we are providing the safest possible experience for employees and partners across our operations network."



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