Nationwide offers comprehensive cat care guide through new online resource

Nationwide offers comprehensive cat care guide through new online resource

Banking & Financial Services



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From "Adopt a Shelter Cat Month" to "Hug Your Cat Day" on June 4, and the humorous "Cat World Domination Day" on June 24, June celebrates the companionship and joy that cats bring into our lives. It is also an opportune time to expand knowledge about cat care for their optimal well-being.

Nationwide has created the Pet HealthZone, a free online resource featuring detailed profiles of 11 cat breeds and over 100 dog breeds. The Pet HealthZone offers insights into each breed's unique characteristics, temperaments, and healthcare needs. This resource serves as a guide for prospective cat parents to choose a breed that aligns with their lifestyle.

Written by veterinarians and breed experts, the Pet HealthZone provides health information drawn from claims data from nearly half a million cats. This allows cat owners to make informed decisions regarding their pet's well-being.

The Health Planner on each breed page includes three high-risk conditions for each life stage. Monitoring these conditions can offer valuable clues about a cat’s health. For example:

- Domestic Medium Hair kittens have a moderate risk of foreign body ingestion but this risk decreases as they mature.

- Maine Coons develop an above-average risk for cardiomyopathy in their young adult years, which continues to grow as they age.

Recognizing signs of health problems is crucial. Symptoms such as coughing or open-mouth breathing may indicate heart disease, while unexpected behaviors like hyperactivity can also signal issues. One Nationwide veterinarian treated an arthritic cat named Buzz whose only symptom was licking all the fur off his elbows due to joint pain.

The top five most common feline claims Nationwide saw in 2023 were:

1. Diarrhea/intestinal upset (Gastroenteritis)

2. Urinary tract disease

3. Kidney failure

4. Dental disease

5. Arthritis

In addition to health information, the Pet HealthZone offers grooming tips, enrichment ideas, advice on encouraging appropriate scratching behaviors, and best practices for litter box selection and placement.

As we embrace June's feline festivities, it is essential not only to show affection but also to equip ourselves with knowledge and resources for ensuring long and healthy lives for our cats. With Nationwide’s Pet HealthZone, understanding and appreciating the diverse world of cats becomes easier.



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