Stories by George Willis on Business Daily

George Willis News

A.J. Lee has been named senior vice president for growth of HyreCar Inc.

Consumers can get fresh meals within 30 minutes through Instacart.

Instacart's new brand pages will expand consumer awareness.

The gig economy is a rapidly growing sector of the workforce due to people voluntarily or involuntarily leaving traditional jobs where the expectation is to work for one employer for as long as possible and receive company benefits.

Being a ride-hailing service driver is one of the more prominent jobs in the gig economy where people have left traditional jobs for freedom, flexibility, and the chance to informally engage with others.

The gig economy has grown due to people voluntarily or involuntarily leaving traditional jobs where they work for one employer and receive company benefits. Being an Uber driver is a popular form of the gig economy, offering freedom and flexibility.

Nearly 60 million Americans working in non-traditional jobs