Stories by Christina Heath on Business Daily

Christina Heath News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 19, 2022 – The nation's only exclusively gig economy and flexible workspace focused site,, is announcing the website will be extending its opening of sponsorship spots available to be accepted for sections on the website. 

Physician Assistant (PA) Diana Ruiloba with Arizona Breath Free said that getting a balloon sinuplasty can help lessen, or relieve, chronic sinusitis.

House Bill 4242, authored by Texas Rep. Morgan Meyer (R-Dallas) and sponsored by Rep. Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) and is an extension of the Texas Economic Development Act and referred to as Chapter 313, has died on the Senate floor.

Despite restrictions being lifted and small businesses opening throughout New Mexico a year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, many restaurants and other small businesses continue to struggle to remain open and find employees, KOAT Action News reports.