Arizona Breathe Free PA says 'balloon sinuplasty' can relieve chronic sinusitis

Arizona Breathe Free PA says 'balloon sinuplasty' can relieve chronic sinusitis

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If you are experiencing symptoms of chronic sinusitis, visiting a doctor may offer some relief and improve your quality of life. | Stock photo


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Physician Assistant (PA) Diana Ruiloba with Arizona Breath Free said that getting a balloon sinuplasty can help lessen, or relieve, chronic sinusitis. 

According to Ruiloba, the procedure known as the “Smart Sinus Procedure” is minimally invasive and has the potential to lessen the symptoms of sinusitis that lasts three months or longer, making it a chronic condition. Chronic sinusitis affects nearly 30 million people each year in the U.S., according to Aurora Health Care.

"Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that uses an advanced technique (a balloon) to treat sinuses ... that are no longer functioning optimally. This procedure on average takes about 30-40 minutes, which conveniently can be done in the office. Overall, a great procedure to help improve quality of life by giving you an opportunity to breathe your best," Ruilobna said. 

Through the “Smart Sinus Procedure” procedure, a doctor inserts a thin balloon and inflates it to help relieve pressure symptoms including sinuses blockage, breathlessness, headaches and tissue injury, according to Alf Plus. The balloon, once removed, leaves the sinus passages open. 

Conditions lasting three or more months that are considered chronic sinusitis include nasal inflammation, discolored discharge from the nose, nasal drainage down back of the throat, congestion, pain, tenderness or swelling around the nose, forehead, eyes or cheeks, reduction in smell or taste, ear pain, aching jaw, persistent cough or throat clearing, bad breath, fatigue or a sore throat, a Mayo Clinic factsheet said.

If you believe you suffer from chronic sinusitis, this quiz can help determine if you should see a doctor to improve your quality of life.  


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