Amazon announces selection of teacher for future engineer program

Amazon announces selection of teacher for future engineer program

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Oktay Ince, Columbus STEM Teacher selected for Amazon Future Engineer Teacher Ambassador Program | Provided



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Amazon announced that Oktay Ince, a STEM teacher at Horizon Science Academy Columbus High School, has been selected as one of 50 educators nationwide for the Amazon Future Engineer Teacher Ambassador Program. This competitive two-year, paid fellowship highlights Ince's achievements in STEM education.

The Amazon Future Engineer initiative is a global program dedicated to increasing equitable access to computer science education for children and young adults. According to Amazon, as an Ambassador, Ince will contribute to expanding computer science equity in Ohio by engaging with the community, participating in professional development, and collaborating with a nationwide network of STEM educators. Ince was chosen for the 2024 cohort through a competitive selection process, recognized for expertise in computer science and commitment to equitable education.

Ince, who leads STEM education efforts as the Assistant Principal of Academics at Horizon Science Academy Columbus High School, works with the local community to make STEM accessible to all students. He holds advanced degrees in biology and education and a biotechnology professional career technical licensure. He is currently pursuing a degree in educational leadership. Ince has earned several prestigious national and international fellowships, including a Fulbright award that took him to Uruguay in 2023.

According to About Amazon, Amazon's Future Engineer program offers free access to STEM opportunities for students, including virtual field trips, hands-on challenges, and scholarships. The program focuses on underserved communities, aiming to bridge the gap between interest and access to computer science education. The program has reached 3.9 million students globally, offering resources from early childhood through high school to prepare future tech leaders.

In 2024, Amazon awarded $16 million in scholarships to 400 high school seniors, supporting their pursuit of computer science degrees. The scholarships include a $40,000 tuition grant and a paid internship at Amazon, empowering students from underrepresented communities to succeed in tech fields.



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