Steel Jupiter president on new facility: 'We are thrilled to call Sahuarita our home base'

Steel Jupiter president on new facility: 'We are thrilled to call Sahuarita our home base'

The company has leased 13,000-square-foot facility in Sahuarita to be used for manufacturing, research and development. | Edward Jenner/Pexels



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Specialty coating manufacturer Steel Jupiter is launching a new facility in southern Arizona.

The company has leased 13,000-square-foot facility in Sahuarita to be used for manufacturing, research and development, the Arizona Commerce Authority reported in a release.

"We evaluated other locations and we are thankful to have found the Sahuarita Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Center (SAMTEC)," Carlos Tellez, chairman and president of Steel Jupiter, said in the release. "Sahuarita is a great community, and the facility and location are perfect for us. We are thrilled to call Sahuarita our home base for our continued growth and innovation long into the future."

The facility is expected to be operational by the end of 2022, the Arizona Commerce Authority reported.

"It's exciting to sign another tech firm to a lease at SAMTEC. This vision is many years in the making," Sahuarita Mayor Tom Murphy said in the release. "I know that Sahuarita is becoming a hub for excellence in innovation. We're laying the groundwork for that right now. Attracting companies like Steel Jupiter and PowerPhotonic is just the beginning."

The company chose Arizona as the site of its new facility to be in close proximity to universities in Arizona with robust technical resources, specifically the University of Arizona's science and engineering departments, the Arizona Commerce Authority reported. The company also cited the strength of Arizona's workforce and its expanding business sector.

"Steel Jupiter's innovative manufacturing and research facility is a valued addition to Southern Arizona," Sandra Watson, president and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority, said in the release. "We are grateful Steel Jupiter is establishing its manufacturing facility in Sahuarita, bringing quality jobs while furthering Arizona's reputation as a national innovation and manufacturing leader."

The facility is expected to create 15 local jobs and boost the local economy, the Arizona Commerce Authority reported.

"The establishment of this new facility will have an economic impact of $27 million over the next five years," Joe Snell, president and CEO of Sun Corridor Inc., said in the release. "The ripple effect of these high-paying jobs advancing Steel Jupiter's technology will be felt across Southern Arizona."



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