'Uber Explore' newest feature to launch by ride-hail company

'Uber Explore' newest feature to launch by ride-hail company

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Uber recently added a new "Uber Explore" feature to their mobile ride-hailing app. | freestocks-photos/Pixabay



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(Sponsored Content --) Uber recently introduced a new "Uber Explore" feature in their mobile ride-hailing app.

The newest feature for the Uber app will include the ability to make dinner reservations, view a list of live events and fun activities, see reviews and photos, and offer directions, Uber said in a recent news release on its website.

"When opening the Explore tab in the Uber app, riders will see places recommended to them based on categories including food and drink, art and culture, nightlife, music and shows, and more; and they'll be able to see reviews, photos and directions," the release said. Customers will also be able to choose one-click rides, seamless purchases of tickets and an array of deals offered.

One-click rides allow customers to click a pre-populated destination to easily book their ride, the release said. A new personalization feature will show the user recommendations based on their past ride and Uber Eats histories. Uber Explore Offers provides 15% discounts based on the user's area. The seamless purchase feature will allow a user to use their Uber Wallet to purchase concert and event tickets.

"Today, we're live in 14 U.S. cities across the U.S. (Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New Orleans, New Jersey, Upstate New York, Orlando, San Antonio, San Francisco, Seattle) and one international city (Mexico City)," the release said. "Keep an eye on your app—we plan to expand Explore to more cities in the coming weeks and months, along with more event opportunities and experiences offerings."



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