'This is a solution': Complete Controller offers benefits to gig workers

'This is a solution': Complete Controller offers benefits to gig workers

Complete Controller is offering new benefits to workers | File Photo



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Complete Controller, which has offices in Seattle, Washington, is introducing its new benefits platform, PERKS, offering insurance benefits for non-traditional workers including gig economy workers, freelance workers and the 1099 workforce. 

The platform was developed by Mercer and allows independent workers to choose their own benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, disability coverage, professional liability and more. 

"It is a problem in today's market that employers are unable to offer selection and flexibility when providing benefits to their workforce," Jennifer Brazer, Founder and CEO of Complete Controller, said in a press release. "Traditional employees qualify for insurance and retirement benefits under strict minimum hours guidelines and the benefits that are offered to one, must be offered to all. Under these programs, often non-traditional workers don't qualify for benefits at all. Meanwhile, employers struggle to be competitive and meet the changing needs of their workforce. The old model doesn't work in today's environment."

Brazer continued on while looking forward and continuing to praise the company's new plan. 

"This is a solution that addresses exactly the problems our nation's burgeoning non-traditional workforce is experiencing," Brazer said in a press release. "As the market changes, companies must innovate to survive and thrive. As a company that serves entrepreneurs, working closely with small businesses, organizations and busy households, we are acutely aware of this market gap and excited to have found the perfect answer."

The PERKS platform is set up where workers can move benefits with them from job to job and provides employers with an ability to contribute to a workers account. Brazer said that the solution to the problem that many non-traditional workers are facing is addressing the issue, and she believes PERKS will do that. According to a press release, the U.S. Department of Commerce and a new study by the organization Upwork both claim that freelance and gig employment has been growing rapidly since 2018. 

It is expected that this growth in those fields will continue in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. 



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