Bullhead City is accepting applications for those seeking candidacy in the August 2018 and November 2018 elections when the city will elect a mayor, City Council members and other officials.
The city's primary election will be Aug. 28, and the general election will be Nov. 6, 2018. Current Mayor Tom Brady’s term will expire next November. Residents will also vote to fill two City Council seats, as Councilmember Annette Wegmann’s term will expire. The second opening on the council is due to the passing of former Councilmember Mickey McClure.
Newly elected councilmembers and the mayor serve four-year terms.
Nomination packets are available for residents who seek candidacy in the 2018 elections. Potential candidates who are interested in running for office can find a list of requirements and instructions at www.bullheadcity.com. Candidate packets and election information can be picked up at City Hall.