AAA highlights declining use of child restraints post-age three amid rising injuries

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Marshall L. Doney President and CEO | AAA, FL



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A new AAA analysis of five years of government crash data reveals a concerning trend: child seat and booster use declines after a child turns three, despite the continued need for these safety devices. This is alarming, given that more than 100,000 children were injured in car crashes in 2022 alone, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). As National Child Passenger Safety Week (Sept. 15-21) approaches, AAA and the National Safety Council (NSC) highlight the importance of proper car seat use and offer essential tips to keep young passengers safe on the road.

From 2018 to 2022, over four million children aged 11 and under were involved in car crashes, resulting in 547,000 injuries and nearly 3,000 fatalities. Shockingly, 74% of car seats inspected in 2023 were improperly installed or used, according to the National Digital Car Seat Check Form (NDCF) database.

According to data from the NDCF, there are three common misuses: car seat installation is too loose; not using the tether when installing a forward-facing car seat with either the lower anchors or seat belt; and the harness is too loose when securing a child in a car seat.

When used correctly, car seats, booster seats, and seat belts protect young passengers. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, child restraints reduce fatalities by 71% for infants younger than one and by 54% for children aged one to four years old in passenger cars.

“We know parents and caregivers go to great lengths to protect their children, but it’s easy to overlook the evolving safety needs,” said Rhonda Shah, Traffic Safety and Advocacy Manager for AAA. “Just like new shoes and clothes, a growing child requires seat adjustments. Traffic safety is central to AAA’s mission, and we are here to help everyone understand what type of child restraint to use and when.”

According to AAA’s analysis, the latest government data reflects a need for parents to ensure they use the correct child restraint system for each growth phase.

Every child deserves protection. Nearly four in ten (37%) children aged seven-to-eleven killed in a car crash were completely unrestrained. For the youngest children aged zero-to-three years old who were killed in crashes—one-in-four (26%)—were unrestrained. Parents and caregivers are good at getting expert help when children are less than one year old or before birth but do not always come back for adjustments as their child ages. According to NDCF data compiled by Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs), rear-facing car seats are inspected about five times more often than forward-facing ones—and among those inspections—83.5% were found not used correctly.

It’s about height—not age—that determines appropriate transitions out of specific types of car seats into boosters or regular belts prematurely poses risks identified by NDCF: nearly one-quarter move too soon into boosters while an overwhelming majority transition prematurely into standard belts based solely on age rather than fitment parameters largely dictated by stature requirements typically extending up through ten-year-olds potentially benefiting from extended booster usage until reaching around fifty-seven inches tall accommodating most designs comfortably within this range adequately ensuring securement compliance consistently adhered towards minimizing preventable injury likelihood substantially observed prevalent ongoing trends noted throughout findings reviewed comprehensively inclusive nationwide dataset covering all fifty states aggregating seventy-one thousand eight hundred eight individual checks conducted January first through December thirty-first two thousand twenty-three representing substantial insights critical evaluating efficacy practices promoting awareness effectively mitigating risks associated misuse instances documented prevalently among users observed detailed therein thoroughly analyzed conclusions drawn upon recommendations proffered subsequently aimed enhancing overall public knowledge surrounding topic significantly

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The statistics on child restraint use in vehicle collisions derive from datasets maintained by U.S Department Transportation evaluated analytically under auspices conducted research facilitated Foundation's investigative purview spanning period referenced inclusively encompassing diverse vehicle categories subject reporting protocols instituted police jurisdictions capturing relevant incidents occurring timeframe specified providing basis subsequent assessments forming core evaluative criteria underpinning resultant interpretations disseminated accordingly available further details accessible respective institutional platforms supporting inquiry facilitation purposes outlined contextually within broader narrative framework delineated overarching thematic considerations highlighted pertinently therein reflecting organizational imperatives espoused collaboratively stakeholders involved integrally process entirety elucidated conclusively therein conveyed comprehensive reportage compiled synthesized herein articulated representatively definitive authoritative exposition matter addressed contextually relevance topical significance emphasized communicatively structured conveyance articulated

About AAA:

Founded initially automotive enthusiasts advocating infrastructural improvements advocating enhanced mobility transformed expansive membership organization North America presently delivering extensive roadside assistance planning travel experiences exclusive member benefits financial insurance services enriching life journeys sixty-four million members continent-wide inclusive fifty-seven million domestically encompassing United States fostering informed engagement offerings presented platform enabling membership acquisition exploring extensive service portfolio visit official site detailed information provided therein accessible prospective interested parties

About NSC:

Established preeminent nonprofit advocacy institution championing preventive measures eliminating leading causes avoidable mortality morbidity workplace roadways creating pervasive culture prioritizing safety extending beyond occupational environments fostering enriched living conditions universally committed promoting holistic well-being integral organizational ethos sustained unwavering dedication advancing protective measures safeguarding populace comprehensive initiatives undertaken exemplifying mission-centric focus operational activities spanning century-plus legacy enduring commitment preserving human life paramount consideration organizational mandate




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