Amazon representative joins hundreds of Ohio small business owners at OH-11 Small Business Expo

Webp brown
Congresswoman Shontel Brown (OH-11) | Congresswoman Shontel Brown X account



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Over 850 small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs gathered in June for the OH-11 Small Business Expo. An Amazon representative attended to provide attendees with insights on selling their products on the Amazon platform.

According to an article published in Amazon’s Selling Partners news channel, the second annual OH-11 Small Business Expo took place at the auditorium of Tri-C’s Corporate College East on June 1. Dubbed a "one-stop shop" for entrepreneurs of every level, the event was hosted by Congresswoman Shontel Brown (Ohio-11). It offered local small business owners tips, tools, and grant guidance. It also featured representatives from federal, state, and local agencies.

This year’s expo focused on "underrepresented and underserved communities." Brown said the special focus would help level the playing field of opportunity for women and minority business owners. She also stated that she personally invited Amazon to attend the event so that the company could share how small businesses can sell their products on its platform.

Cleveland-based entrepreneur Richard Brown delivered a panel discussion on how he is using his Amazon store to grow Proof Culture, his sneaker accessory store, into a million-dollar business. The discussion inspired Lisa Hudson, owner of a budding candle company that delivers positive affirmations. She is determined to be part of the 11,000 independent sellers in Ohio that generate more than $230,000 in average annual sales on Amazon.

An Amazon representative stressed the importance of participating in small business events in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District and around the country. Brandon Webb, Amazon’s senior manager of public policy, said independent sellers generate over 60% of Amazon’s sales.

"We wouldn’t be able to do what we’re doing without our small business selling partners," Webb said in the article. "If we can support their businesses by helping them connect to more customers, that’s one thing. But by partnering on events like this, we’re able to provide opportunities for small business owners to network, learn best practices from peers in the small business community, and we can support their growth and innovation to help them exceed their expectations."



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