SBA announces $1 million investment for veteran entrepreneur support expansion

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Isabel Casillas Guzman, Administrator | U.S. Small Business Administration



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The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced over $1 million in new funding to provide critical training and counseling to aspiring and existing veteran small business owners through the Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program.

The new funding opportunity will make awards of up to $400,000 to up to three entities. Eligible awardees include private organizations, colleges and universities, private sector firms, nonprofit organizations, and state, local, or tribal governmental agencies.

“Through this initiative, the SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD) is investing in military-connected entrepreneurs that will grow the VBOC program from 28 to 31 locations nationwide,” said Robert Yannuzzi, Assistant Administrator for the SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development. “This expansion will enhance the entrepreneurship experience across all U.S. states and territories.”

With this SBA funding, recipients will offer training to transitioning service members and military spouses via the Boots to Business entrepreneurship program, a key component of the Department of Defense’s Transition Assistance Program. Additionally, they will support programs such as Boots to Business Reboot and the Military Spouse Pathway to Business program. Applicants are expected to deliver counseling, technical support, financial skills development, comprehensive business evaluations, and mentorship aimed at veterans, transitioning service members, Reserve and National Guard members, and military spouses seeking to launch or expand their small businesses.

The new VBOCs will be located in Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania South Florida Puerto Rico Organizations anywhere may apply for a portion of the total $1.1 million in funding available for this program in Fiscal Year 2024.

Each award is made for a base project period of eight months with four 12-month option periods starting September 1st 2024 Additional information about the funding opportunity including specific coverage areas instructions on how apply can be found at by searching SB-OVVB-24-001

Applications submitted via other media including SBA's website will be rejected not evaluated Applications must be submitted via no later than 11:50 p.m EST on Friday July 19th 2024

The SBA's Office of Veterans Business Development will host information sessions on the funding opportunity via Microsoft Teams link or call-in number (202-765-1264; access code: 265542768# phone conference ID:736752338#) at following times:

Monday June24:4-5p.m ET

Monday July15:2-3p.m ET

Please direct all questions about VBOC funding opportunity Tangela Liddell For issues with please call support line at 1-800-518-4726 or email

About The SBA's Office Of Veterans Business Development

The SBA's Office Of Veterans Business Development works through extensive resource partner network which includes Small Business Development Centers SCORE Women's Business Centers VBOCs located throughout nation VBOCs also leading partner hosting Boots To Business Boots To Reboot programs which offer courses entrepreneurship military installations local communities Since programs inception2013 Boots To trained graduated more than200000 service members veterans National Guard Reserve members military spouses For more information resources available veteran entrepreneurs visit

About The U.S.SmallBusiness Administration

The U.S.SmallBusiness Administration helps power American dream business ownership As only go-to resource voice small businesses backed by strength federal government empowers entrepreneurs small business owners resources support need start grow expand businesses recover declared disaster delivers services through extensive network field offices partnerships public private organizations learn more visit



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