“Making a Difference” in Huntington County

“Making a Difference” in Huntington County

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Huntington County Chamber of Commerce | https://www.huntington-chamber.com/blog/making-a-difference-in-huntington-county/

The Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County’s (YSB) annual “Making a Difference” fund drive is underway. This is the only mass fundraising appeal the agency does to raise funds for general program and agency support. This year the letter was written with the support of five young people who are involved with the agency. I asked them to share their thoughts on the following:

What would you say are the three biggest issues facing young people today? Their responses were mental health including suicide, drugs, family conflict, including abuse and fighting.

What do you wish adults would know about you? They stated that we are good kids we just make bad decisions at times. We wish adults would let us be kids first, not miniature adults. In addition, kids have dreams too.

What do we wish adults would quit doing? Do not lump us all together; do not keep comparing how you grew up to what we are dealing with. That does not respect us for what we are going through and just because they do not feel it or even believe it, they are our feelings. They each signed the letter thanking people for supporting the agency.

With your support, the YSB can continue to provide programs and services that support young people and their families as they meet the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood. Your contribution to the Youth Services Bureau’s “Making a Difference” annual fund drive provides young people with immediate crisis intervention through the Safe Place program. It provides suicide prevention education for adults and youth. It provides the safety items needed to help ensure the child is in the appropriate child car seat or the home has the door locks, etc. needed to help keep the child safe. Your support helps young people learn much needed life skills through the Skills for Life and Students Out of School programs.

Our young people and their family deserve to have their needs and challenges recognized and have the resources and support needed to meet those head on. With your generous donation, we can do this! Your tax-deductible donation can be sent to YSB at 1344 Maple Drive, Huntington, Indiana 46750. If you have any questions, email adm@ysbofhuntingtonco.org or call (260) 356-9681 and ask to speak to Jan.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Jan Williams

Executive Director

Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County

Original source can be found here.



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