Independent work offers a choice for much needed flexibility

Independent work offers a choice for much needed flexibility

Future of Work
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Independent gig workers, including online platform workers and independent contractors, experience high levels of work-life balance. | Unsplash



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Sponsored Content -- When part-time Uber driver Isaac King III began driving for the company six years ago, he said he noticed the work had more benefits than his daytime job.

While the typical day-to-day work environment doesn’t allow much control in weekly hours and income, he said he was attracted to that kind of flexibility in working for Uber.

“It's been more consistent for me, in the sense that I've been driving for the past six years, for over six years now,” King said. “The amount of income I've been able to create by driving is more consistent and actually greater than what I was able to earn on a part-time gig.”

According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 36% of American workers reported they had done gig work in some capacity. At that time, Gallup also reported that 64% of gig workers said they preferred their alternative work arrangement to their typical employment.

Independent gig workers, including online platform workers and independent contractors, experience high levels of work-life balance, flexibility, autonomy, meaningful feedback and creative freedom, the Gallup poll states. Data shows gig workers scored higher on each of these factors compared to traditional workers, with temporary workers receiving less feedback on their performance.

In the "Freelancing in America: 2019" survey of 6,000 U.S. workers, 79% of full-time and 76% of part-time freelance workers joined the flexible workforce environment due to having a flexible schedule in working what days and hours of their choosing. King said this flexibility was one of the main perks and driving factors to joining the platform as a driver. 



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