GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Applauds Voters For Supporting City's Future

GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Applauds Voters For Supporting City's Future

Webp budget 08



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Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on Aug. 28.

The Greater Phoenix Chamber applauds voters for voting no on “Building a Better Phoenix Act” (Prop 105) and the “Responsible Budget Act” (Prop 106).

In June, the Chamber announced its opposition to both measures.

Statement on Prop 105

The Chamber advocates for the development and maintenance of a balanced and cost-efficient transportation system that involves all modes of transportation.

“The failure of Prop 105 is another vote of confidence from voters on the positive impact that light rail has on our community,” said Todd Sanders President and CEO of the Chamber. “For more than a decade, voters have continually supported creating a multimodal, regional transit system that connects people to the community and to work opportunities.”

The resounding no vote from Phoenicians means that the city’s investment and expansion plans for the light rail system will move forward.

As the voice of business, the Chamber supports the region’s groundbreaking light rail system that has connected cities and communities since the initial opening in 2008.  To date, the system has spurred more than $11 billion of economic activity.

Statement on Prop 106

The Chamber supports reforms of the public pension and retirement systems that ensure that the systems are financially and actuarially sound and will not cause unexpected and excessive costs to the government, public employees, and taxpayers.

“If Prop 106 had succeeded it would have irrefutably harmed our city’s progress by hindering strategic Investment in resources that are vital to the city’s growth and economic prosperity,” said Mike Huckins, Vice President of Public Affairs for the Chamber.

The substantial no vote on Prop 106 allows the city to gather stakeholders holistically to continue to develop thoughtful and functional reforms that address the core budget concerns without limiting the city’s ability to invest in future growth and services.

“We recognize the need for further reforms to pension and retirement systems to address long-term funding concerns, but are pleased that voters understand the nuance of city finances and the need for flexibility and adaptability as our city moves forward,” Huckins said.

For more specific questions or official comments, contact the Vice President of Public Affairs Mike Huckins at 602.495.6474 or

Original source can be found here.



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