GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Greater Phoenix Chamber Announces Positions on City of Phoenix Ballot Measures

GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Greater Phoenix Chamber Announces Positions on City of Phoenix Ballot Measures

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Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on June 26.

The Greater Phoenix Chamber (the Chamber) announces its opposition to the “Building a Better Phoenix Act” (Prop 105) and the “Responsible Budget Act” (Prop 106).

With more than 2,400 member businesses, the Chamber focuses on evaluating public policy at all levels to ensure smart legislation that allows businesses to grow and thrive.

Statements on Prop 105

The Chamber advocates for the development and maintenance of a balanced and cost-efficient transportation system that involves all modes of transportation.

Prop 105 would amend the Phoenix City Charter to terminate all planned expansions of light rail projects, and not expend any funds in the furtherance of light rail extensions or other fixed rail line transit systems constructed on or after August 27, 2018. Additionally, the Act redistributes revenues designated for light rail extensions to infrastructure projects within the City.

“The Greater Phoenix Chamber has been a long-time supporter of investing in multimodal regional transit plans that move our city forward by connecting people to their community and to work opportunities,” said Todd Sanders, President, and CEO of the Chamber. “The passage of Prop 105 would hinder our city’s progress and our region’s attractiveness as a thriving, modern place to work, live, and play.”

As the voice of business, the Chamber supports the region’s groundbreaking light rail system that has connected cities and communities since the initial opening in 2008.  To date, the system has spurred more than $7 billion of economic activity.

In May, the Chamber’s Board of Directors voted to take an oppose position on Prop 105. The Chamber has encouraged its members to vote no on Prop 105.

Statements on Prop 106

The Chamber supports reform of the public pension and retirement systems in ways that ensure that the systems are financially and actuarially sound and will not cause unexpected and excessive costs to the government, public employees, and taxpayers.

The Responsible Budget Act is a ballot initiative filed with the City of Phoenix that would amend the Phoenix City Charter to require that the city conduct an additional annual assessment of all pension liabilities and impose a cap on budget growth, requiring all funds above the budget cap be spent solely toward pension liabilities if the pension systems are not at least 90% funded.

“Prop 106 would harm the progress that Phoenix has made by making it difficult for the city to strategically invest in resources needed to support the city’s growth and economic prosperity,” said Mike Huckins, Vice President of Public Affairs for the Chamber. “While further reforms are needed to  pension and retirement systems to address long-term funding concerns, the Chamber does not support Prop 106 as a solution.”

In June, the Chamber’s Board of Directors voted to take an oppose position on Prop 106. The Chamber has encouraged its members to vote no on Prop 106.

For more specific questions or official comments, contact the Vice President of Public Affairs Mike Huckins at 602.495.6474 or

About the Greater Phoenix Chamber

Representing 2,400 businesses across the Greater Phoenix region, the Greater Phoenix Chamber promotes regional prosperity by serving as a catalyst for economic vitality and strong communities. The Chamber pursues this mission by collaborating with business, political and community leaders to grow the regional talent pool, create a regional approach to economic development and drive a pro-Arizona agenda.

Original source can be found here.



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