GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Chamber advocates for small business at the state capitol

GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Chamber advocates for small business at the state capitol

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Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on May 10.

The Greater Phoenix Chamber’s Public Affairs program influences local and national government in support of the Chamber’s members and a vibrant economy. By lobbying for pro-growth policy, the Chamber advocates for a pro-business environment.

Through a robust public affairs and policy vetting process, the Chamber acts as the voice of small business at the state legislature.

This year, the Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee has monitored key legislation that will move the region’s economy forward and support small business owners.

Key legislation this session:

HB 2569 – Occupational Licensing

HB 2569, signed by the Governor, will allow out-of-state occupational licenses to be recognized in the state of Arizona. The Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee supported HB 2569. This bill will help fill the employment needs of all employers, especially as the job market in the state continues to grow.

HB 2702 – TPT; Marketplace facilitators; Nexus

HB 2702 would look to create tax fairness amongst retailers who only have an online presence in the state. Passing this bill would help local retailers stay on an even playing field when it comes to competition against online retailers.

 SB 1035 – Insurance; small employers; continuation coverage

SB 1035 seeks to reduce the number of employees of small employers to be considered as less than 20 employees instead of 20 to continue small group insurance coverage plans.

 HB 2178 – Milk manufacturing license; exception

HB 2178, signed the Governor, eliminates barriers and regulation for businesses who make and sell frozen dairy products in store from having to obtain a license to sell and operate.

SB 1085 – Association health plans

The Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee supported SB 1085. This bill allows small businesses to provide their own health insurance plans that would otherwise be cost prohibitive for the organization or business to provide.

SB 1109 – Short-term limited duration insurance; Notice

Modifies the definition of “short-term limited duration insurance” to mean health insurance coverage that has an expiration date that is less than 12 months after the effective date and that cannot be renewed for longer than 36 months, instead of health insurance coverage that remains in effect for no more than 185 days. The Chamber’s Public Affairs Committee supported SB 1109.

Interested in learning more about the Chamber’s position on key business and public policy issues? Review the 2019 Public Policy Guide.

Original source can be found here.



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