GREATER LAFAYETTE COMMERCE: Greater Lafayette Commerce Announces 2018 Business and Community Award Winners

GREATER LAFAYETTE COMMERCE: Greater Lafayette Commerce Announces 2018 Business and Community Award Winners

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Greater Lafayette Commerce issued the following announcement on Oct. 11.

Greater Lafayette Commerce Announces 2018 Business and Community Award Winners

Greater Lafayette Commerce announced winners of its Business and Community Awards at their annual dinner on October 4, 2018 held at the Purdue Memorial Union.

Awards were divided into five categories: Diversity Roundtable Award, Downtown Development Achievement Award, Economic Development Award, Chairperson’s Award, and Grand Marquis de Lafayette Award

The Diversity Roundtable Award honors those businesses, individuals and organizations that promote the importance of diversity (i.e. ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, etc.) in the workplace or organizational setting. Winners were announced in the following three categories:

The Workforce Diversity Best Practices Award, sponsored by Kirby Risk, recognizes Arconic. Arconic has a collaboration and partnership with the United Steel Workers union a joint committee called the Workplace Cultural Steering Committee which is in place for promoting and providing guidance and support around the topics of inclusion and diversity among others.

The Nonprofit Diversity Leader Award, sponsored by Southwire, recognizes Food Finders Food Bank. Food Finders Food Bank has a new assessment tool to better measure successes and areas for improvement, letting employees and board members discuss their views of diversity and how it is reflected in the company’s policies and activities.

The Diversity Leader Award, sponsored by Rubia Flower Market, recognizes Mr. Jesse Moore. Mr. Moore has opened the doors for many companies through his leadership in Purdue’s Supplier Diversity programs, in his work with the Lafayette and Indianapolis chapters of the Indiana Black Expo, and his prior work with both the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indianapolis Black Chamber of Commerce.

The Downtown Development Achievement Award is earned by those who embarked on preserving, renewing or positively growing our downtown region. All have paved the way to a more inclusive, energizing and useful city. Winners were announced in the following four categories:

The Center City Preservation Award recognizes historic rehabilitation or new structures compatible with the existing character of the center city. This year’s winners are The Press Apartments and Tippecanoe County Courthouse Renovation.

The Center City Development Award recognizes improvements or new construction in the center city area that speak to growth and transformation: This year’s winner is the State Street Project.

The Klink Leadership Award recognizes an individual or individuals who best exemplify the betterment or improvement of downtown Lafayette-West Lafayette. This year’s winners are Mark Brandyberry and Will Miller for “The Adventures of Will and Marq”.

The Digby Award recognizes projects that create a major impact in the center of the city. This year’s winner is Deylen Realty.

The Economic Development Award, sponsored by Wabash Valley Power Association, recognizes Ivy Tech and the impact made on our community as they celebrate their 50-year anniversary. An employer of over 550 people and serving just over 4300 students this fall, they have impacted over 400,000 students in their 50 years in our community.

The Chairperson’s Award recognizes the Northend Community Center.

This community center was designed and built to meet the needs of our community. “Better Together” is written on the wall and isn’t just a saying, it is something they live and work by.

An initiative of Faith Ministries, this center brings together over 12 non-profit organizations that offer professional and personal growth opportunities including a co-working studio, a gym and an educational institute offering a variety of life skills classes.

The Northend Community Center is truly a place built to serve.

The Grand Marquis de Lafayette Award recognizes individuals or organizations that should have “community” as their middle name because of service well beyond the job. This year’s winner is Charlie Shook.

About Greater Lafayette Commerce. Headquartered at 337 Columbia St. in Lafayette, Greater Lafayette Commerce, whose roots go back 90 years, is a nonprofit membership organization supported by local businesses, industries and governments. Its mission is to advance economic and community prosperity for a superior quality of life.


Michelle Brantley, Marketing Director

765.742.4044 x 106

Original source can be found here.



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