Pima County to use new designations for Historic Landmark Zones

Pima County to use new designations for Historic Landmark Zones



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The newest designation will be applicable to individual parcels that contain historic sites. | File photo

The Board of Supervisors has modified Pima County’s zoning code to add a new category of historic overlay zone: the “Historic Landmark Zone.” 

“This new category will give individual property owners who wish to preserve the historical integrity of their property the ability to voluntarily apply the historic landmark zone to their property,” Sustainability and Conservation Director Linda Mayro said.

The newest designation will be applicable to individual parcels that contain historic sites, buildings, structures or other cultural properties that are listed or determined eligible for listing.

The larger areas of contiguous properties that could encompass entire neighborhoods or districts, which were previously given a "Historic Zone" designation, will now bear the designation of  ”Historic District Zone.”

The two types of zones add up to a “historic property overlay” designation that could affect how the property is treated in the future, including requests to add additional buildings and structures, or modify, alter or demolish the historic buildings and structures on that parcel.  


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