Workshop in Phoenix to explore ways to reduce costs of peak electricity demand in Arizona

Workshop in Phoenix to explore ways to reduce costs of peak electricity demand in Arizona


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Two members of the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), Commissioners Andy Tobin and Bob Stump, will participate in a workshop Aug. 4 about reducing the costs associated with electrical system peak demand.

The workshop, to be held at 9 a.m. in the Arizona House Hearing Room 1 of the Arizona State Capitol Building, will include legislators, commissioners and the top consumer advocate in the state. The workshop is being conducted in collaboration with state Rep. Frank Pratt (R-District 8).

“In the midst of truly amazing developments in energy storage and other cutting-edge technology solutions that empower Arizonans to take control of their energy footprint, the time is ripe to pause and make certain that facts, not fiction, will be openly and publicly discussed giving state leaders an unobstructed view of the energy issues of the day,” Pratt said. “I am honored to start that discussion here at the capitol.”

The workshop will feature a series of panels with representatives from major utilities, energy-related technology firms and consumer advocates to figure out ways to reduce peak demand.

“Everyone knows that the most significant cost drivers for Arizona electric utilities today is the generation capacity required to meet system peak demand in the evening hours of the day during four to five months out of the year,” Tobin said. “These hours and months add extraordinary cost to ratepayers. This workshop is the deep-dive we all need to consider a peak demand strategy that will benefit customers all around the state.”

Stump said reducing peak demand requires a multitiered approach.

“When we can take steps to explore those approaches with the public, we will all have a better understanding of peak demand reduction and how to take control of our own energy costs,” Stump said.

The workshop is open to the public and will be broadcast live on Arizona Capitol Television Channel 123 on Cox and on Comcast and through websites and


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