H-1B approvals for Oklahoma employers during 2024

H-1B approvals for Oklahoma employers during 2024

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Jennifer B. Higgins, Deputy Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | https://medium.com/the-u-s-digital-service/meet-the-dhs-digital-service-champions-may-2018-caee7dade2b


Devco Process Heaters LLC | East Central University | Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. | Data3 Corporation | Air Hygiene International Inc | Le Monde International School | Decision Tree Consulting Llc | Oklahoma State University | The University of Oklahoma | Slw Automotive Inc. | Dove Schools Inc. | University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma | Born Inc | Tk Drilling Corp | World Water Works Inc | Sage Net Llc | Oklahoma City Community College | Oklahoma Heart Hospital | Langston University | Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma | The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. | Southeastern Oklahoma State University | Automated Energy Inc. | Springpoint Technologies LLC | 4J Foundation Inc. | Expressways Rental Properties LLC | Capspire Inc. | GDH Consulting Inc. | University of Central Oklahoma | Midamerica Christian University | Tni Kso PC | Rs Llc | Northeastern State University | University of Oklahoma-Health Sciences Center | Oklahoma Christian University | Cory's Audio Visual Services LLC | Southern Plains Medical Center Inc. | Oklahoma City University | American Fidelity Assurance Company | University of Tulsa | West Side Alliance S.c. | Southwestern Oklahoma State University | M3 Technology Solutions LLC | Business Imaging Systems Inc. | Variety Care Inc. | Saint Francis Health System | 360 Engineering Group PLLC | Oklahoma Panhandle State University | Union Public Schools | Lynnco Supply Chain Solutions Inc | Coop Ale Works LLC | University of Oklahoma | KB Dentistry PLLC | I2e Inc. | CCK Strategies PLLC | Oral Roberts University | Western Heights Public Schools | Ciberpathway Inc. | Rise Concepts LLC | Wti Holdings LLC | Airgo Systems LLC | Hogantaylor LLP | Fusion Industries LLC | Progentec Diagnostics Inc. | Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance Company | Pepm Group PLLC | Velie Law Firm PLLC | Excel Food Mart Inc. | Hilldale Public Schools | Houston Electric Inc. | Levy Strange Beffort LLC | Flex-Chem Corporation | Petroleum Equipment Institute (pei) | Stonebridge Acquisition Inc. | Ameriinfovets Inc. | Casino Cash Trac LLC | Santa Fe South Schools Inc. | Quik Trip Corporation | C. H. Guernsey & Company | Oklahoma Wesleyan University | Proform Group Inc. | Midfirst Bank | Paul Ziert & Associates Inc.


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In 2024, 916 of the 940 H-1B petitions submitted by employers based in Oklahoma were approved, according to data provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.

This represents an approval rate of 97.4%, which is lower than the nationwide average.

In 2024, the average approval rate for H-1B petitions across the U.S. stood at 98%, slightly higher than the 97.3% recorded in 2023.

The H-1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily hire foreign workers in specialty occupations requiring specialized knowledge and at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. It is designed to address skill gaps in the U.S. workforce while ensuring wage standards to protect both U.S. and H-1B workers. Employers must certify that they will pay H-1B workers wages equal to or greater than those of similarly qualified U.S. employees or the prevailing local wage. 

The Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry led H-1B petition approvals in Oklahoma during 2024, filing a total of 373 petitions (39.7% of all submissions) and receiving 359 approvals, resulting in an approval rate of 96.2%. The Educational Services industry followed, with 275 petitions (29.3% of all submissions), receiving 273 approvals and an approval rate of 99.3%.

Employers are classified under industries based on their reported operations and may be involved in multiple industries.

The Oklahoma employers with the most approvals during 2024 included Paycom Payroll, LLC, filing a total of 172 petitions and receiving approvals for all of them, and University of Oklahoma, which filed 125 petitions and received approvals for all of them.

Compared to 2023, Oklahoma saw a 14.2% increase in the number of H-1B petitions during 2024.

The United States admits around 1 million legal immigrants annually, most of whom receive permanent residence (green cards) through family sponsorship or employment-based visas. In 2023, about 1.2 million immigrants were granted green cards, a return to pre-pandemic levels. Temporary visa programs, such as the H-1B for highly skilled workers and H-2A for seasonal agricultural workers, also play a critical role in filling workforce needs.

Public opinion on immigration varies, with 46% of Americans favoring maintaining current legal immigration levels, according to a 2024 Pew Research Center survey. Additionally, 42% believe that highly skilled workers, such as scientists, doctors, and programmers, should be prioritized for legal immigration, compared to 25% who prioritize workers filling labor shortages and 19% who emphasize family sponsorship. Despite this, family sponsorship remains the most common path to permanent residency, accounting for 63% of green cards issued in 2023.

The data in this article comes from the H-1B Employer Data Hub provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). While USCIS strives for accuracy, manual data entry and errors on paper forms submitted by applicants or petitioners may result in discrepancies in employer names, tax IDs, locations, or other details.

Oklahoma H-1B Petition Distribution by Industry in 2024

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services [39.7%]Educational Services [29.3%]Health Care and Social Assistance [14.5%]Industries <5% [15.8%]

H-1B Petitions by Industry in Oklahoma, 2024

RankIndustryTotal Petitions% of All SubmissionsApproved Petitions% Approved% Denied
1Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services37339.7%35996.2%3.8%
2Educational Services27529.3%27399.3%0.7%
3Health Care and Social Assistance13614.5%13397.8%2.2%
6Retail Trade141.5%14100%0%
7Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction121.3%12100%0%
9Finance and Insurance111.2%11100%0%
10Other Services (except Public Administration)91%9100%0%
11Transportation and Warehousing70.7%7100%0%
13Public Administration40.4%4100%0%
13Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services50.5%480%20%
15Accommodation and Food Services30.3%3100%0%
15Real Estate and Rental and Leasing30.3%3100%0%
15Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting30.3%3100%0%
18Wholesale Trade10.1%1100%0%
18Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation20.2%150%50%

Top 100 Employers in Oklahoma, 2024

RankCompany NameIndustry(ies)Total PetitionsApproved Petitions% Approved% Denied
1Paycom Payroll, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services172172100%0%
2University of OklahomaAdministrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services; Educational Services125125100%0%
3Veridic Solutions, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services1039289.3%10.7%
4Oklahoma State UniversityEducational Services535298.1%1.9%
5Saint Francis Health SystemHealth Care and Social Assistance2727100%0%
6Ou Health Partners, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance1919100%0%
7PCI Energy SolutionsInformation191789.5%10.5%
8Dove Schools, Inc.Educational Services1414100%0%
9University of TulsaEducational Services1313100%0%
9Comanche County Hospital AuthorityHealth Care and Social Assistance141392.9%7.1%
9The University of OklahomaEducational Services141392.9%7.1%
12WTI Holdings, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services1010100%0%
12Integris Health, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance1010100%0%
12Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services1010100%0%
15Oral Roberts UniversityEducational Services99100%0%
16Helmerich and Payne Management, LLCMining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction88100%0%
17Capspire, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services77100%0%
18Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.Retail Trade66100%0%
18Ciber Pathway, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services66100%0%
20One Gas, Inc.Utilities55100%0%
20Choctaw Nation of OklahomaHealth Care and Social Assistance; Public Administration55100%0%
20Western Heights Public SchoolsEducational Services55100%0%
20ARL Bio Pharma, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance55100%0%
20Oklahoma City UniversityEducational Services55100%0%
20Talisman Consulting, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services55100%0%
20Objectstream, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services55100%0%
27Mercy Clinic Oklahoma Communities, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance44100%0%
27University of Central OklahomaEducational Services44100%0%
27Oneok Services Company, LLCTransportation and Warehousing44100%0%
27Ameriinfovets, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services44100%0%
27Independent School District 1 of TulsaEducational Services44100%0%
27Flintco, LLCConstruction44100%0%
33Reflections Systems, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services33100%0%
33TNI KSO, PCHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
33Saints Medical Group, LLCHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
33Oklahoma Blood InstituteHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
33Airgo Systems, LLCManufacturing33100%0%
33Norman Regional Hospital Authority an Oklahoma Public TrustHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
33American Fidelity Assurance CompanyFinance and Insurance33100%0%
33Loves Travel Stops and Country Stores, Inc.Retail Trade33100%0%
33Life. Church Operations, LLCOther Services (except Public Administration)33100%0%
33CFS Brands, LLCManufacturing; Accommodation and Food Services33100%0%
33John Zink Company, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services4375%25%
33Jackson County Memorial Hospital AuthorityHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
33Choctaw Memorial HospitalHealth Care and Social Assistance33100%0%
46Northeastern State UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
46Downing Wellhead Equipment, LLCManufacturing22100%0%
46360 Engineering Group, PLLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services22100%0%
46East Central UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
46Nortek Air Solutions, LLCManufacturing22100%0%
46Sagenet, LLCInformation22100%0%
46First United Bank and TrustFinance and Insurance22100%0%
46Oklahoma Christian UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
46Putnam City SchoolsEducational Services22100%0%
46Genisys Controls, LLCManufacturing22100%0%
46Oklahoma Heart HospitalHealth Care and Social Assistance22100%0%
46Hogan Taylor, LLPProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services22100%0%
46Lifeshare Network, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance22100%0%
46Langston UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
46Worldwide Printing and Distribution, Inc.Manufacturing22100%0%
46William Velie Attorneys at Law, PLLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services22100%0%
46US Department of Veterans AffairsHealth Care and Social Assistance; Public Administration22100%0%
46Business Imaging Systems, Inc.Information22100%0%
46Union Public SchoolsEducational Services22100%0%
46Casino Cash Trac, LLCInformation22100%0%
46Clinton Hospital AuthorityHealth Care and Social Assistance22100%0%
46Community Health Centers of OklahoHealth Care and Social Assistance22100%0%
46Community Health ServicesHealth Care and Social Assistance22100%0%
46Southeastern Oklahoma State UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
46Southwestern Oklahoma State UniversityEducational Services22100%0%
71St. John Physicians, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance11100%0%
71Trinity Plaza, Inc.Real Estate and Rental and Leasing11100%0%
71Tulsa Innovation Labs, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71UHS of Oklahoma, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance11100%0%
71Opnbxai, Inc.Information11100%0%
71SGA Design Group, P CProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71Openfusion, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71Silver Lake Construction, LLCConstruction11100%0%
71Spherexx, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71University of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterEducational Services11100%0%
71University of Science and ARTS of OklahomaEducational Services11100%0%
71Oklahomas Credit UnionFinance and Insurance11100%0%
71Oklahoma Wesleyan UniversityEducational Services11100%0%
71Velie Law Firm, PLLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71Oklahoma Panhandle State UniversityEducational Services11100%0%
71West Side Alliance S CArts, Entertainment, and Recreation2150%50%
71Wheeler Bio, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71Oklahoma Gas and Electric CompanyUtilities11100%0%
71White Hawk Engineering and Design, LLCProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%
71Oklahoma City VA US Department of Vetrans AffairsHealth Care and Social Assistance11100%0%
71Southern Plains Medical Center, Inc.Health Care and Social Assistance11100%0%
71Oklahoma City Community CollegeEducational Services11100%0%
71Williams WPC I, LLCTransportation and Warehousing11100%0%
71World Water Works, Inc.Manufacturing11100%0%
71SLW Automotive, Inc.Manufacturing11100%0%
71Writesea Group, Inc.Information11100%0%
71Zeeco, Inc.Manufacturing11100%0%
71Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance CompanyFinance and Insurance11100%0%
71RS, LLCAdministrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services11100%0%
71Stonebridge Acquisition, Inc.Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services11100%0%


Devco Process Heaters LLCEast Central UniversityHobby Lobby Stores, Inc.Data3 CorporationAir Hygiene International IncLe Monde International SchoolDecision Tree Consulting LlcOklahoma State UniversityThe University of OklahomaSlw Automotive Inc.Dove Schools Inc.University of Science and Arts of OklahomaBorn IncTk Drilling CorpWorld Water Works IncSage Net LlcOklahoma City Community CollegeOklahoma Heart HospitalLangston UniversityChoctaw Nation of OklahomaThe Voice of the Martyrs Inc.Southeastern Oklahoma State UniversityAutomated Energy Inc.Springpoint Technologies LLC4J Foundation Inc.Expressways Rental Properties LLCCapspire Inc.GDH Consulting Inc.University of Central OklahomaMidamerica Christian UniversityTni Kso PCRs LlcNortheastern State UniversityUniversity of Oklahoma-Health Sciences CenterOklahoma Christian UniversityCory's Audio Visual Services LLCSouthern Plains Medical Center Inc.Oklahoma City UniversityAmerican Fidelity Assurance CompanyUniversity of TulsaWest Side Alliance S.c.Southwestern Oklahoma State UniversityM3 Technology Solutions LLCBusiness Imaging Systems Inc.Variety Care Inc.Saint Francis Health System360 Engineering Group PLLCOklahoma Panhandle State UniversityUnion Public SchoolsLynnco Supply Chain Solutions IncCoop Ale Works LLCUniversity of OklahomaKB Dentistry PLLCI2e Inc.CCK Strategies PLLCOral Roberts UniversityWestern Heights Public SchoolsCiberpathway Inc.Rise Concepts LLCWti Holdings LLCAirgo Systems LLCHogantaylor LLPFusion Industries LLCProgentec Diagnostics Inc.Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance CompanyPepm Group PLLCVelie Law Firm PLLCExcel Food Mart Inc.Hilldale Public SchoolsHouston Electric Inc.Levy Strange Beffort LLCFlex-Chem CorporationPetroleum Equipment Institute (pei)Stonebridge Acquisition Inc.Ameriinfovets Inc.Casino Cash Trac LLCSanta Fe South Schools Inc.Quik Trip CorporationC. H. Guernsey & CompanyOklahoma Wesleyan UniversityProform Group Inc.Midfirst BankPaul Ziert & Associates Inc.


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