How many H-1B petitions were made by Nebraska employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry during 2024?

How many H-1B petitions were made by Nebraska employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry during 2024?

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Jennifer B. Higgins, Deputy Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services |



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Employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry based in Nebraska submitted 253 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.

Of these, 244 were approved (96.4%), while nine were denied (3.6%).

Employers are classified under industries based on their reported operations and may be involved in multiple industries.

The H-1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily hire foreign workers in specialty occupations requiring specialized knowledge and at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. It is designed to address skill gaps in the U.S. workforce while ensuring wage standards to protect both U.S. and H-1B workers. Employers must certify that they will pay H-1B workers wages equal to or greater than those of similarly qualified U.S. employees or the prevailing local wage.

The average approval rate for H-1B petitions across the United States in 2024 stood at 98%, higher than 2023's 97.3%. Statewide, Nebraska employers across all industries submitted 1,008 petitions during the same period, achieving an approval rate of 98.1%.

The Educational Services industry led the H-1B filings in Nebraska during 2024, with 269 petitions (26.7% of all submissions), and an approval rate of 97.8%. Meanwhile, the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry was the second largest contributor, filing 253 petitions (25.1% of the total), with an approval rate of 96.4%.

The Nebraska employers which made the most petitions in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector during 2024 included HDR Engineering, Inc. with 67 petitions, Gallup, Inc. with 28 petitions, and HDR Architecture, Inc. with 23 petitions.

Compared to 2023, the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector in Nebraska saw a 39.8% decrease in the number of H-1B petitions during 2024.

The United States admits around 1 million legal immigrants annually, most of whom receive permanent residence (green cards) through family sponsorship or employment-based visas. In 2023, about 1.2 million immigrants were granted green cards, a return to pre-pandemic levels. Temporary visa programs, such as the H-1B for highly skilled workers and H-2A for seasonal agricultural workers, also play a critical role in filling workforce needs.

Public opinion on immigration varies, with 46% of Americans favoring maintaining current legal immigration levels, according to a 2024 Pew Research Center survey. Additionally, 42% believe that highly skilled workers, such as scientists, doctors, and programmers, should be prioritized for legal immigration, compared to 25% who prioritize workers filling labor shortages and 19% who emphasize family sponsorship. Despite this, family sponsorship remains the most common path to permanent residency, accounting for 63% of green cards issued in 2023.

The data in this article comes from the H-1B Employer Data Hub provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). While USCIS strives for accuracy, manual data entry and errors on paper forms submitted by applicants or petitioners may result in discrepancies in employer names, tax IDs, locations, or other details.

H-1B Petitions by Industry in Nebraska, 2024
RankIndustryTotal Petitions% of All Submissions% Approved% Denied
1Educational Services26926.7%97.8%2.2%
2Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services25325.1%96.4%3.6%
3Health Care and Social Assistance13213.1%97.7%2.3%
4Finance and Insurance12112%100%0%
6Retail Trade343.4%100%0%
8Transportation and Warehousing202%100%0%
11Public Administration60.6%100%0%
12Real Estate and Rental and Leasing40.4%75%25%
12Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services40.4%100%0%
14Management of Companies and Enterprises30.3%100%0%
15Accommodation and Food Services10.1%100%0%

Top Employers in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Industry in Nebraska, 2024

RankCompany NameTotal Petitions% Approved% Denied
1HDR Engineering, Inc.6798.5%1.5%
2Gallup, Inc.28100%0%
3HDR Architecture, Inc.23100%0%
4Sarkit, Inc.15100%0%
4Aci Worldwide, Corp.15100%0%
6Apex Informatics, LLC1190.9%9.1%
7Captive Software Solutions, Inc.988.9%11.1%
8Henningson Durham and Richardsonpc8100%0%
9Midwest Global Solutions, LLC785.7%14.3%
9Capstone It, Inc.7100%0%
11DLR Group, Inc.580%20%
11Olsson, Inc.5100%0%
13HDR, Inc.4100%0%
14Schnackel Engineers, Inc.3100%0%
14Aloft Technologies, LLC3100%0%
14T5 Technologies, Inc.3100%0%
17Ncee Labs, Inc.2100%0%
17Vcloud Technology Group, LLC20%100%
17National Research Corporation2100%0%
17Medical Solutions, LLC2100%0%
17Talent Plus, Inc.2100%0%
17West Technology Group, LLC2100%0%
23Banyan Medical Solutions D B a, LLC1100%0%
23City Point Partners, LLC1100%0%
23Leo a Daly1100%0%
23Gis Workshop, LLC1100%0%
23Associated Engineering, Inc.1100%0%
23HDR Engineering of the Carolinas, Inc.1100%0%
23Kutak Rock, LLP1100%0%
23Vasta Infotech, LLC10%100%
23HDR Engineering of the Carolin, Inc.1100%0%
23Ro Youker, Inc.1100%0%
23Holland Basham Architects1100%0%
23Farris Engineering, Inc.1100%0%
23Upland Software, Inc.1100%0%
23Brown Immigration Law LLO, PC1100%0%
23Proag Bankware Technologies, Inc.1100%0%
23Election Systems Software, LLC1100%0%
23Marble, Inc.1100%0%
23HDR Construction Control Corporati1100%0%
23Brown Immigration Law L L O, P C1100%0%
23Pesek Law, LLC1100%0%
23Henningson Durham and Richardson of Penn ARCHS and ENGRS, P C1100%0%
23M D Information Systems, Inc.1100%0%
23Branchpattern, Inc.1100%0%
23HDR Michigan, Inc.1100%0%
23Companycam, Inc.1100%0%
23Sunrise Technologies, LLC10%100%
23Li Cor, Inc.1100%0%
23HDR Architects and Engineers, PC1100%0%



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