Employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry file 554 H-1B petitions in District of Columbia throughout 2024

Employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry file 554 H-1B petitions in District of Columbia throughout 2024

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Ur Mendoza Jaddou, Director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (left) and Jennifer B. Higgins, Deputy Director. | https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/organization/leadership



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Employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry based in District of Columbia submitted 554 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.

Of these, 547 were approved (98.7%), while seven were denied (1.3%).

Employers are classified under industries based on their reported operations and may be involved in multiple industries.

The H-1B visa program allows U.S. employers to temporarily hire foreign workers in specialty occupations requiring specialized knowledge and at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. It is designed to address skill gaps in the U.S. workforce while ensuring wage standards to protect both U.S. and H-1B workers. Employers must certify that they will pay H-1B workers wages equal to or greater than those of similarly qualified U.S. employees or the prevailing local wage.

The average approval rate for H-1B petitions across the United States in 2024 stood at 98%, higher than 2023's 97.3%. Statewide, District of Columbia employers across all industries submitted 1,429 petitions during the same period, achieving an approval rate of 98.3%.

The Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry led the H-1B filings in District of Columbia during 2024, with 554 petitions (38.8% of all submissions), and an approval rate of 98.7%. Meanwhile, the Educational Services industry was the second largest contributor, filing 346 petitions (24.2% of the total), with an approval rate of 98.8%.

The District of Columbia employers which made the most petitions in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector during 2024 included Costar Realty Information, Inc. with 34 petitions, Eab Global, Inc. with 31 petitions, and Mayer Brown, LLP with 21 petitions.

Compared to 2023, the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector in District of Columbia saw a 7.8% increase in the number of H-1B petitions during 2024.

The United States admits around 1 million legal immigrants annually, most of whom receive permanent residence (green cards) through family sponsorship or employment-based visas. In 2023, about 1.2 million immigrants were granted green cards, a return to pre-pandemic levels. Temporary visa programs, such as the H-1B for highly skilled workers and H-2A for seasonal agricultural workers, also play a critical role in filling workforce needs.

Public opinion on immigration varies, with 46% of Americans favoring maintaining current legal immigration levels, according to a 2024 Pew Research Center survey. Additionally, 42% believe that highly skilled workers, such as scientists, doctors, and programmers, should be prioritized for legal immigration, compared to 25% who prioritize workers filling labor shortages and 19% who emphasize family sponsorship. Despite this, family sponsorship remains the most common path to permanent residency, accounting for 63% of green cards issued in 2023.

The data in this article comes from the H-1B Employer Data Hub provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). While USCIS strives for accuracy, manual data entry and errors on paper forms submitted by applicants or petitioners may result in discrepancies in employer names, tax IDs, locations, or other details.

H-1B Petitions by Industry in District of Columbia, 2024
RankIndustryTotal Petitions% of All Submissions% Approved% Denied
1Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services55438.8%98.7%1.3%
2Educational Services34624.2%98.8%1.2%
3Other Services (except Public Administration)1248.7%99.2%0.8%
4Health Care and Social Assistance1057.4%95.2%4.8%
6Finance and Insurance715%97.2%2.8%
7Public Administration342.4%100%0%
8Transportation and Warehousing241.7%100%0%
11Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation161.1%100%0%
12Accommodation and Food Services90.6%88.9%11.1%
13Wholesale Trade80.6%100%0%
15Real Estate and Rental and Leasing50.4%100%0%
16Retail Trade10.1%0%100%

Top Employers in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Industry in District of Columbia, 2024

RankCompany NameTotal Petitions% Approved% Denied
1Costar Realty Information, Inc.3497.1%2.9%
2Eab Global, Inc.3196.8%3.2%
3Mayer Brown, LLP21100%0%
4National Railroad Passenger Corporation Amtrak19100%0%
5Atlantic Council of the United STA1687.5%12.5%
6Bates White, LLC14100%0%
7Center for Strategic and Internati12100%0%
8Mapbox, Inc.11100%0%
9Eastbanc Technologies, LLC10100%0%
10Carnegie Institution for Science9100%0%
10Covington and Burling, LLP9100%0%
12Studios Architecture887.5%12.5%
12Hogan Lovells US, LLP8100%0%
14Bain and Company DC, LLC7100%0%
15The International Council on Clean Transportation6100%0%
15BPM Bi, Inc.6100%0%
15Cato Institute6100%0%
15The Brookings Institution6100%0%
19Universities Space Research Association5100%0%
19The American Chemical Society5100%0%
19Han Group, LLC5100%0%
19Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett5100%0%
23PSB Insights, LLC4100%0%
23Systemsoft, Inc.4100%0%
23Sumeru, Inc.4100%0%
23Incapsulate, LLC4100%0%
23Vertex Analytics, Inc.4100%0%
23Peter G Peterson Institute for INT4100%0%
23International Research & Exchanges Board4100%0%
30Japan International Transport & Tourism INST USA3100%0%
30Page Southerland Page, Inc.3100%0%
30Amida Technology Solutions, Inc.3100%0%
30Beveridge and Diamond, PC3100%0%
30Lehman Smith & Mcleish, PLLC3100%0%
30Cssi, Inc.3100%0%
30Datanet Systems Corporation3100%0%
30Crowell and Moring, LLP3100%0%
30Mark G Anderson Consultants, Inc.3100%0%
30Avid Systems, LLC3100%0%
30Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld L3100%0%
30Three Crowns US, LLP3100%0%
30Ains, LLC3100%0%
30Edgeworth Economics, LLC3100%0%
30Miller and Chevalier Chartered3100%0%
30Covington & Burling, LLP3100%0%
46Dentons Global Advisors, LLC2100%0%
46The Urban Institute2100%0%
46National Committee for Quality Assurance2100%0%
46Forward Risk and Intelligence, Inc.2100%0%
46Information Unlimited, Inc.2100%0%
46Steptoe, LLP2100%0%
46Veris Insights, LLC2100%0%
46Lehman Smith and Mcleish, PLLC2100%0%
46Equimundo Center for Masculinities and Social Justice2100%0%
46Peer Consultants, PC2100%0%
46OST, Inc.2100%0%
46American Psychological Association2100%0%
46Venable, LLP2100%0%
46Ootb Minds, Inc.2100%0%
46Peer Consultants, P C2100%0%
46Center for the Study of Services2100%0%
46Williams and Connolly, LLP2100%0%
46Precision Systems, Inc.2100%0%
46American Enterprise Institute for2100%0%
46Utility Solutions Partners, LLC2100%0%
46Rational 360, Inc.2100%0%
46Arentfox Schiff, LLP2100%0%
46Tiara Consulting Services, Inc.2100%0%
46Education Business Solutions, Inc.2100%0%
46Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP2100%0%
46CWP Consulting2100%0%
46Holland and Knight, LLP2100%0%
46Avalere Health, LLC2100%0%
46Mckissack & Mckissack of Washington, Inc.2100%0%
46Quadrant Economics, LLC2100%0%
46Page Southerland Page Successor Employer to Eyp Inc., Inc.2100%0%
46Institute for Strategic Dialogue U S2100%0%
46Cube Root Corporation2100%0%
46S-Rm Risk Management and Intellige2100%0%
82Skdknickerbocker, LLC1100%0%
82Agilian, LLC1100%0%
82Mcgraw Bagnoli Architects, PLLC1100%0%
82Caspian Policy Center1100%0%
82Observer Research Foundation America1100%0%
82Yun Associated, LLC1100%0%
82Foursquare Integrated Transportati1100%0%
82Baker and Mckenzie, LLP1100%0%
82Innovations for Poverty Action1100%0%
82Insite, LLC1100%0%
82Stratesfy, Inc.1100%0%
82Anatolian ART, LLC1100%0%
82Mil Mujeres, Inc.1100%0%
82Center for Economic and Policy Research1100%0%
82Linc, LLC1100%0%
82Bevilacqua, PLLC1100%0%
82Csznet, Inc.1100%0%
82Hattaway Communications, Inc.1100%0%
82S3cloudsolutions, LLC1100%0%
82Fillat Plus Architecture, LLC1100%0%
82Perkins Eastman DC, PLLC1100%0%
82International Crisis Group1100%0%
82ASK the Egghead, Inc.1100%0%
82Wenchi Hu Attorney at Law, PLLC1100%0%
82IBG Consulting Group D B a OPP, LLC1100%0%
82Shalom Baranes Associates, PC1100%0%
82Aggregate Architecture and Design, PLLC1100%0%
82Mcdermott Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82United Nations Foundation, Inc.1100%0%
82DE Brauw Blackstone Westbroek New York B. V.1100%0%
82Nordic West Office1100%0%
82Wireless Evrywhere, LLC1100%0%
82Prosoft Associates, Inc.1100%0%
82Japan Electric Power Information Center, USA1100%0%
82Telligen Infotech, Inc.1100%0%
82Bain and Company, Inc.1100%0%
82OTJ Architects, Inc.1100%0%
82Mercator XXI, LLC1100%0%
82Center for Economic and Policy Res1100%0%
82Ordway Labs, Inc.1100%0%
82Cssi, LLC1100%0%
82Harris Telecom, LLC1100%0%
82Ridgely Walsh, LLC1100%0%
82International Center for Not for Profit Law, Inc.1100%0%
82Arnold and Porter Kaye Scholer, LLP1100%0%
82Multi-State Accounting Service T/A Moy Cheung & Company, Inc.1100%0%
82Contextglobal, Inc.1100%0%
82Washington Office on Latin America1100%0%
82Huska Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82Setty and Associates International1100%0%
82Advi Health, LLC1100%0%
82Mcallister and Quinn, LLC1100%0%
82Capital Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82Trivium Tae, LLC1100%0%
82DDC Advocacy, LLC1100%0%
82Nira, Inc.1100%0%
82Willkie Farr and Gallagher, LLP1100%0%
82Fishawack Communications, Inc.1100%0%
82Prime Partners Engineering1100%0%
82Japan Automobile Transport Technology Association1100%0%
82Dominican House of Studies1100%0%
82Information Technology and Innovat1100%0%
82Steptoe & Johnson, LLP1100%0%
82Mcra, LLC1100%0%
82Center for Applied Linguistics Cal1100%0%
82BCW, LLC1100%0%
82The Human Trafficking Legal Center1100%0%
82Regis and Associates, PC1100%0%
82Environmental Working Group1100%0%
82International Budget Partnership1100%0%
82Sugatu Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82Aristotle International, Inc.1100%0%
82Multi State Accounting Service T/A Moy Cheung & Company, Inc.1100%0%
82Ward Circle Strategies, Inc.1100%0%
82Setty & Associates International, PLLC1100%0%
82Acdi Voca1100%0%
82C-Quest Capital, LLC1100%0%
82Toxservices, LLC1100%0%
82Hunt Alternatives, LLC1100%0%
82Fiscalnote Holdings and Subsid, Inc.1100%0%
82It Vertex, Inc.1100%0%
82Technician Analysis, Inc.1100%0%
82Bain & Company DC, LLC1100%0%
82Network for Victim Recovery of DC10%100%
82Spiegel & Mcdiarmid, LLP1100%0%
82Mclarty Associates, LLC1100%0%
82Center for AL and Digital Policy1100%0%
82Digidoc Incorporated1100%0%
82Baumann Consulting, Inc.1100%0%
82The Heritage Foundation1100%0%
82Omicscraft, LLC1100%0%
82Hall Law Office, PLLC1100%0%
82Kalos Athena Wang, PLLC1100%0%
82The Energy for Growth Hub, Inc.1100%0%
82Eliquent Life Sciences, Inc.1100%0%
82PB&J Promotions, LLC1100%0%
82Integral DC, LLC1100%0%
82Msys, Inc.1100%0%
82Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Inc.1100%0%
82Acacia Center for Justice1100%0%
82Broadbranch Advisors, LLC1100%0%
82Dale Overmyer Architects, PLLC1100%0%
82Horizon Institute for Public Service1100%0%
82Securing Americas Future Energy Fo1100%0%
82Wilkinson Stekloff, LLP1100%0%
82Fiscalnote Holdings & Subsidiaries, Inc.1100%0%
82Physicians Committee for Responsib1100%0%
82Istudio, PLLC1100%0%
82Tata Consultancy Services Limited1100%0%
82Netsource Interactive, Inc.1100%0%
82IMG Rebel Advisory, Inc.1100%0%
82Soil and Land Use Technology, Inc.1100%0%
82Mckissack and Mckissack, Inc.1100%0%
82Center for a New American Security1100%0%
82US Ignite, Inc.1100%0%
82Development Institute, LLC1100%0%
82Oliver-Zhang Law, PLLC1100%0%
82Creoal Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82Gallagher & Associates, LLC1100%0%
82Quixotec, LLC1100%0%
82Journalism Development Network, Inc.1100%0%
82The Cohen Group, LLC1100%0%
82Patomak Global Partners, LLC1100%0%
82Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy1100%0%
82Studio Upwall Architects, PLLC1100%0%
82Annuk Incorporated1100%0%
82Center for International Policy in1100%0%
82Vialto Law US, PLLC1100%0%
82Sayari Labs, Inc.1100%0%
82Fionta Incorporated1100%0%
82Pew Research Center1100%0%
82Iotek Consulting, LLC1100%0%
82Tahzoo, LLC1100%0%
82Imago Global Grassroots1100%0%
82Socially Determined, Inc.1100%0%
82Upside Services, Inc.1100%0%
82Design & Construction Strategies, LLC1100%0%
82Oehme Van Sweden & Associates1100%0%
82Craft Media Digital, LLC1100%0%
82FS Vector, LLC1100%0%
82Jobs With Justice Education Fund1100%0%
82Basilinna Advisory, LLC1100%0%
82Studio Alliance, PC1100%0%
82Annexa, Inc.1100%0%
82Center for European Policy Analysi1100%0%
82Louis Berger Hawthorne Services, Inc.1100%0%
82Bonstra Haresign Architects, LLP10%100%
82The World Justice Project1100%0%
82SZ PM Consultants, Inc.1100%0%
82National Institute of Statistical Sciences1100%0%
82Wenderoth Lind and Ponack, LLP1100%0%



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