AAA report highlights prevalent risky driving behaviors contributing to road fatalities

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Marshall L. Doney President and CEO | AAA, FL



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In 2023, traffic crashes claimed nearly 41,000 lives in the United States, underscoring the persistent public health crisis on the nation's roads. A recent report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety highlights risky driving behaviors as significant contributors to this issue. The report categorizes drivers based on their self-reported behaviors, identifying speeding, distracted driving, and aggressive driving as prevalent dangerous habits.

The annual Traffic Safety Culture Index (TSCI) survey revealed five distinct driver profiles and asked participants about their perceptions of various driving dangers. Despite acknowledging the risks, many admitted to engaging in unsafe behaviors at least once in the past month.

"Behind every deadly statistic is a real person," stated Dr. David Yang, President and Executive Director of the AAA Foundation. "This work helps us uncover the public’s perspective on traffic safety, enabling the creation of targeted solutions that make a real difference in reducing traffic crashes and fatalities."

The survey found that Safe Drivers tend to drive less frequently than Most Dangerous Drivers, who often engage in speeding and distracted behaviors while using older vehicles with fewer safety features. Surprisingly, both groups displayed a similar disregard for potential consequences.

Key findings include:

- Distracted Driving: While most drivers recognize its dangers (93%), many still text or email while driving.

- Aggressive Driving and Speeding: Though perceived as dangerous by most (89%), nearly half admitted to speeding on freeways.

- Drowsy Driving: Recognized as dangerous by 96%, yet 20% admitted to it recently.

- Impaired Driving: Considered socially unacceptable by 95%, but 7% reported drunk driving within the last month.

Jake Nelson, AAA’s director of traffic safety advocacy, emphasized smarter resource allocation for saving lives. "The AAA Foundation’s new survey highlights that most risk-taking drivers also speed," he said. "By prioritizing speed enforcement, police can curb a wide range of risky driving behaviors and maximize their lifesaving impact."

The TSCI survey provides crucial insights into driver attitudes and risky habits amid rising traffic dangers. The full TSCI offers detailed data collection methodology and limitations.

About AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: Established in 1947 by AAA, this nonprofit aims to prevent traffic deaths through research and public education.

About AAA: Founded in 1902 to advocate for better roads and safe mobility, AAA now serves over 65 million members across North America with roadside assistance, travel planning services, member discounts, financial services, and more.



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