AAA survey reveals majority rely on eyewear; stresses vision care as daylight saving ends

AAA survey reveals majority rely on eyewear; stresses vision care as daylight saving ends

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Marshall L. Doney President and CEO | AAA, FL



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More than 60% of U.S. drivers depend on prescription eyewear while driving, according to a recent AAA survey. As Daylight Saving Time ends on November 3, AAA highlights the importance of vision correction for safe driving. The survey found that 62% of U.S. adults wear eyeglasses, sunglasses, or contact lenses beyond just reading.

The survey revealed that while 80% of drivers with prescription lenses always wear them when driving, 16% do so only in certain situations, and 3% never use them at all. Among those required by their driver's license to wear corrective lenses, 94% comply consistently.

Regular eye exams are emphasized in the study. Although nearly two-thirds of drivers with prescription lenses had an eye exam within the past year, 37% had not been tested in over a year. Younger drivers aged between 18-54 were less likely to have had recent exams, with only 53% having done so within the past year.

AAA urges drivers to maintain up-to-date prescriptions and prioritize eye health for safe driving conditions. With earlier darkness following the end of Daylight Saving Time, AAA advises:

- Compensate for reduced visibility by slowing down and increasing following distance.

- Keep eyes moving instead of focusing solely on the area illuminated by headlights.

- Look at the sides or outlines of objects in dim light for better clarity.

- Avoid being blinded by high beams from oncoming vehicles by looking toward the right side of the road.

AAA began in 1902 with automotive enthusiasts advocating for better roads and has grown into one of North America's largest membership organizations. It offers roadside assistance, travel planning services, member discounts, and financial services to enhance life journeys for its members.



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