AAA report reveals post-pandemic rebound in U.S. driving patterns

AAA report reveals post-pandemic rebound in U.S. driving patterns

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Marshall L. Doney President and CEO | AAA, FL



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The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has released its 2023 American Driving Survey, offering insights into U.S. daily driving trends post-COVID-19 pandemic. The survey indicates that overall driving patterns have largely returned to pre-pandemic levels.

According to the survey, 95.3% of Americans drove at least occasionally in 2023, a figure consistent with 2022 data. On average, drivers took slightly fewer than 2.5 trips per day, spending just over an hour on the road and covering nearly 30 miles. Most trips were for errands (31.1%), while commuting accounted for 22.5%. The majority of trips began between either 11 am–2:59 pm (26.1%) or 3–6:59 pm (27.6%). Fewer trips started between 3–6:59 am (6.7%) and 11 pm–2:59 am (4.5%).

The survey also highlights demographic variations in driving habits and vehicle use. Residents of metropolitan areas and individuals with higher education levels tend to drive newer vehicles, whereas teenagers and those with lower education levels are more likely to drive older vehicles.

Drivers with a high school education or GED covered more miles than those holding a bachelor’s degree in 2023. Hispanic/Latino drivers had the highest driving durations and distances among all ethnic groups last year. Men spent significantly more time driving daily compared to women.

A notable concern raised by the survey is the safety of older vehicles, which accounted for nearly 40% of all trips in 2023. These vehicles often lack modern safety features and may be in poorer mechanical condition, increasing the risk of crashes.

The AAA Foundation was established in 1947 by AAA as a nonprofit research and educational organization focused on preventing traffic deaths and injuries through research and public education.

AAA itself was founded in 1902 by automotive enthusiasts advocating for better roads and safe mobility in America. Today, it is one of North America's largest membership organizations, providing roadside assistance, travel planning services, member discounts, financial services, and insurance to over 64 million members across North America.



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