CEO on advantages of captive health insurance: 'Positive peer pressure' helps members improve plans, reduce costs

CEO on advantages of captive health insurance: 'Positive peer pressure' helps members improve plans, reduce costs

Everlong Founder and CEO Doug Truax | LinkedIn



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One of the advantages of coverage in a captive insurance policy is the encouragement and advice you receive from other companies that are enrolled in the same type of insurance, said Rebekah Barr, CEO of Allyon.

"Within Everlong's high performance health insurance captive program, there are no more than 50 owner-members (employers) per cell," Barr said. "This means everyone truly gets to know their fellow captive cell members over time, and, yes, feel a little positive peer pressure as other members improve their plans and reduce costs. This social dynamic is a powerful force elevating the performance of each cell."

With Everlong's 50 employer per cell minimum, each employer is able to get to the bottom line, get a handle on claims and figure out what they need to do. So you have that transparency with the reporting, as well as stability, and are able to learn the renewals.

Robin, Rebekah's partner and an employee at Allyon, as well as the person responsible for the decision to switch to a group captive with Everlong, explained, "I did my due diligence, I spoke with multiple brokers, multiple clients – clients that hadn't run as well, clients that run well – just to get a feel on how the renewals are handled, how you manage them, because that was important to me."             

Michael Block, Senior Vice President at Everlong, describes that the company wants to work with broker partners who have those great relationships with their clients because, "then it will be real conversation."

"Health insurance isn't cheap, but if everyone is able to work together then solutions will arise," Michael said.

"At the end of the day, when you join the captive program you're literally becoming a part-owner of your own insurance company, so you should see everything, right?," he said. "And that's the whole point."

"Everlong members participate in an innovative insurance and funding solution that takes the profits that health insurance carriers make on individual plans and pays that money back to them as owners of the Captive," Everlong said on its website. "The result is significantly lower insurance costs for the same level of benefits."



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