Wednesday- Ocotillo Lunch Leads Group on April 13, 2022

Wednesday- Ocotillo Lunch Leads Group on April 13, 2022




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Date and Time:

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST


This group meets at the Chandler Fashion Center in the Chandler Room

3111 W Chandler Blvd

Chandler AZ 85225

(enter the mall through the Food Court, bear right, turn right at the first hallway, follow the hallway down and around to the Chandler Room)

The Leads Group will focus on building business relationships in the Sun Lakes area with the support of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce.  Our mission of this group is to develop trustworthy relationships in the Sun Lakes community while promoting ethical business and returning to the basics of doing business on a handshake. 

 What is a LEADS Group?

The Chandler Chamber of Commerce Leads Groups have been created to help our business members network and grow their businesses. Basically a Leads Group is a business referral network that helps businesses interact and network. As a member of one of our Leads Groups you will have the opportunity to develop sources and contacts that can help generate sales for your business.


To promote and provide a means for members to exchange business leads and information.

To encourage expansion and growth of members' businesses.

To keep members informed about potential business opportunities.

To encourage cooperation amongst our members.

What to expect while you attend:

Each member is given the opportunity to give the group information on their company, talk about upcoming events and sales that they are running. At every meeting, we pass out our members cards and welcome our members to share any other literature they have with them, such as brochures, flyers and announcements. Each week we host a different fifteen minute speaker from the group who shares with us an extended information presentation on their business to help identify good leads and referrals for them.

Membership Guidelines:

Membership in the leads group is composed of people and businesses each representing a different trade or profession so that no other competing business will be present. Dues are to be paid on an annual basis. Any business interested in joining one of the leads groups is allowed two free visits before deciding whether or not to join that group.

Original source can be found here.



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