In joining CARRY Media, Carter doesn't want 'culture, or society, or anyone else to decide what success' is for working moms

In joining CARRY Media, Carter doesn't want 'culture, or society, or anyone else to decide what success' is for working moms

Diana Carter is a partner with CARRY Media. | Carter House Copy



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Diana Carter is a new partner with CARRY Media — a multimedia platform telling the stories of working mothers.

"I don't want working moms — or women who work and who someday want to be moms — to allow culture, or society, or anyone else decide what success looks like for them," Carter told North Carolina Business Daily. "Don't buy the lie that your version of success or your slate of goals has to look a certain way. You're the captain of the ship — not anyone else. Decide what success looks like   for you and put every decision you make through that filter."   

When asked why she decided to join the CARRY Media team, she said, "When Terri  and Paula approached me to partner with CARRY Media — as  soon as I  heard, 'We're telling the stories of working moms.' I was in. Why? As a  copywriter and content creator — I love storytelling — but more than that, working moms don't really get a fair shot at telling their own stories. In many ways, society's already made up the narrative for them and it usually follows one of two threads: they're either career-obsessed absent moms, or they're flaky employees who only care about their kid's next soccer game. As a business owner who couldn't be   more dedicated to her job or more obsessed with her kids — I knew I  had  to be a part of flipping that script on a grander scale."   

Carter is the founder and CEO of Carter House Copy. A  brand messaging and web strategy company and mom of two. She is originally from  Huntington Station, N.Y. She currently lives in Charlotte, N.C.,.but really Fort Mill, S.C., claiming Charlotte as her home.   

CARRY Media's purpose is to advocate for working moms through "disruptive storytelling". It also has also conducted research, finding that 74% of working moms feel some form of "mom guilt" and that one in three has had to consider choosing between a career and family.     

When asked about her goals with CARRY she said, "I'm going to ruffle feathers here — but pie in the sky dream? We're not needed anymore because our work has been so effective and so impactful that working moms' stories — while always deserving to be told — have no change left to enact. Basically — imagine a world where CARRY didn't even need to exist. To me, that world is the one we're looking  to  create." 



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