Sinus infections were haunting NFL Hall-of-Famer Marshall Faulk until he tried balloon sinuplasty

Sinus infections were haunting NFL Hall-of-Famer Marshall Faulk until he tried balloon sinuplasty

Marshall faulk 2017
NFL Hall-of-Famer Marshall Faulk used to suffer from postnasal drip, until he tried balloon sinuplasty. | Wikimedia Commons/U.S. Department of Argiculture


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When you’re a broadcaster and you make a living with your voice, you really don’t want it cracking -- nor do you want to have attacks of coughing or the sniffles.

So Marshall Faulk knew he had to find a lasting cure for his chronic sinus infections and the symptoms that affected his work.

“If I was at work, broadcasting, I started having severe postnasal drip,” Faulk, a former NFL running back, said in a YouTube video, where he discusses the benefits of balloon sinuplasty.  

Faulk, who was drafted out of San Diego State and played football for the Indianapolis Colts and the Los Angeles Rams, said his sinus problems became noticeably worse after his athletic career ended. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2011.

Faulk asked himself whether the lack of working out or the spicy foods he favored contributed to his sinus problems. He tried various at-home remedies, but only found temporary relief. Then he went to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor who discussed a different option.

Balloon sinuplasty is often recommended for people who suffer from chronic sinus infections.

The procedure has been around since 2005, and in the years since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it, it has gone from requiring an outpatient visit to the hospital to something that can be done in the office of an ENT, like Bella Vista ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery.

Balloon sinuplasty involves inserting catheters into the sinuses and inflating a balloon to expand the sinus passageways. The wider passages ultimately allow for mucus to drain more effectively, resulting in fewer infections and less stuffiness.

This procedure can now sometimes be performed with a local anesthetic in a matter of minutes. Although it carries minimal complications, because there is no cutting, there are still some risks, according to Healthline. Most patients, however, recover quickly and suffer few ill effects.

Balloon sinuplasty turned out to be a good decision for Faulk. If anyone asks, “I tell them balloon sinuplasty is a must,” he said in the video.

Dr. Glenn Waldman and the team at Bella Vista ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery offer balloon dilation as a first line of defense for patients like Faulk, who struggle with sinusitis getting in the way of living their life.

If you want to evaluate your symptoms or are considering seeing a doctor, take this Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz.


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