What are sinus headaches?

What are sinus headaches?

Dr. Jamie Oberman | Frederick Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Center



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When your sinuses get clogged, pressure develops between your eyes and just above your nose, and it also results in pain. When you feel the pain behind your eyes, above your nose, and in the region between the eyes, it is safe to say that you are experiencing a sinus headache. Such pain usually tends to get worse when you try to move around.

"Your teeth hurt because the floor of the sinus, the maxillary sinus, is the roof of the mouth. They share the same anatomy, and they share the same nervous intervention," Dr. Jamie Oberman, of Frederick Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Center, said. "That's why facial pain is always considered in sinus pathology and a very common complaint and symptom of folks who have sinus pathology and very much of a quality of life detriment, if you will, for folks who suffer from those issues."

According to WebMD, it's important to figure out what kind of headache you are having so that the correct course of action can be taken to relieve your pain.

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces inside your forehead, cheekbones, and behind the bridge of your nose. When they get inflamed – usually because of an allergic reaction or an infection – they swell, make more mucus, and the channels that drain them can get blocked. The build-up of pressure in your sinuses causes pain that feels like a headache.

Apart from the pain, some other symptoms that accompany a sinus headache include a runny nose, swelling in your face, fever, and a feeling of fullness in your ears. However, if you think you are suffering from chronic sinusitis, Frederick Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Center is committed to providing relief to sinus patients. It is located in Maryland, and they have devised modern solutions to cater to your respective needs.



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