Scottsdale doctor: Assessing symptoms is the key to treating painful sinus headaches

Scottsdale doctor: Assessing symptoms is the key to treating painful sinus headaches

Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center's Dr. Brian Lee can help patients determine if their headaches are due to sinus problems and then provide relief with treatment. | Adobe Stock



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Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center’s Dr. Brian Lee offers solutions and relief to Arizona residents suffering from sinus headaches.

Sinuses, which often swell due to inflammation, can be defined as the air-filled spaces inside your forehead, cheekbones and behind the bridge of your nose, according to WebMD. The resulting headaches, which come from air or muscles trapped in the sinuses, can present symptoms such as dental or facial pain, Lee said.

“That essentially stems from the fact that the sinuses aren't draining or ventilating properly,” Lee told the Arizona Business Daily. "When the sinuses get inflamed, they swell shut and they trap air and mucus. As that sits and festers, some of that pressure starts to build up and the sinus headaches is what you feel.”

According to Mayo Clinic, sinus headaches feel like the sinuses are infected and may lead to feelings of pressure around the eyes or the forehead. A typical sign of a sinus headache is worsening pain when the patient bends over or lies down.

One of the best ways of finding relief, Lee said, would be to take a decongestant that helps shrink down the inflammation to ventilate or relieve the pressure when the drainage pathway gets backed up from simple allergies or a cold.

It is important to figure out what kind of headache you are having so that the correct course of action can be taken to relieve your pain. The Scottsdale Sinus and Allergy Center offers a online sinus quiz on their website, which can help you determine if a visit to the doctor could help alleviate your symptoms.



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