Butler Board Chair Commits $1 Million to Support New Sciences and Business Facilities

Butler Board Chair Commits $1 Million to Support New Sciences and Business Facilities

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Source: Butler University



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Butler University issued the following announcement on Sept. 1.

Chair of the Butler Board of Trustees Keith Faller ՚71 and wife Sarah MBA ՚90 recently committed $1 million to Butler University in support of two priority infrastructure projects that are providing state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and learning on Butler’s campus. The gift will be divided equally between funds supporting the Sciences Expansion and Renovation Project and Bill and Joanne Dugan Hall, the recently named building that houses the Andre B. Lacy School of Business and other strategic initiatives. In recognition of the gift, spaces within each facility will be named in honor of the donors: The Keith and Sarah Faller Career and Professional Success Suite in Bill and Joanne Dugan Hall and The Faller Family Sciences Commons within the Sciences Complex.

“As Butler graduates ourselves, we have experienced the long-term value of a Butler education and are honored to invest in these spaces where future generations of Butler students can reach their full potential,” say Keith and Sarah Faller. “We are proud to support Butler’s strategic efforts to prepare students for meaningful careers in the growing business and science sectors, and we are eager to see what Butler students and faculty will achieve when provided with quality resources to match their incredible talent.”

The two capital projects remain among the University’s top funding priorities for the Butler Beyond comprehensive fundraising campaign, which concludes on May 31, 2022. With approximately nine months to go, Butler has now raised more than $226 million toward its $250 million goal for the campaign, which is designed to support the University’s Butler Beyond strategic direction. The new science and business facilities will provide the world-class infrastructure necessary to support critical skill development in the areas of science, business, innovation, and technology in alignment with Indiana’s workforce development goals. 

The donation comes as students are returning to campus for the fall term and what is expected to be a full restoration of the on-campus experience, including standard capacity in academic classrooms after a year of pandemic restrictions.

“I am exceedingly grateful for the Fallers’ leadership in understanding the critical role that infrastructure projects play in supporting our ability to both provide a quality education and serve our community,” says Butler President James Danko.  “Thanks to the generosity of donors such as Keith and Sarah, Butler students have the opportunity to learn and study in impressive new facilities as they prepare to be leaders among tomorrow’s workforce.”

Butler Beyond: The Campaign for Butler University is the University’s largest-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign with a goal of $250 million to support student access and success, innovations in teaching and learning, and community partnerships.

Original source can be found here.



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