At least 33 professional licenses are set to expire in zip code 86326 during Q2

At least 33 professional licenses are set to expire in zip code 86326 during Q2

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There are at least 33 professional licenses set to expire in zip code 86326 during the second quarter, according to the State of Arizona.

More than 99 percent of Arizona's businesses are considered small, with more than 40 percent of Arizona employees working for small businesses, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration.

A study by Civic Economics found that when $100 is spent at a locally-owned business, that business puts $47 back into the local economy while the total is just $13 for non-local businesses.

Licenses set to expire during Q2
License HolderLicense TypeLapse DateIssued Date
Barry J. PascoOptometrist04/18/202109/01/1980
Jeanette E. Campbell L.AC.Acupuncturist04/30/202104/24/2019
Taylor M. BennettAthletic Trainer04/30/202105/01/2017
Ellen Ona V L.AC.Acupuncturist05/31/202105/27/2015
Francisco GomezBarber06/06/202104/28/2016
James A. MathisOptometrist06/08/202109/21/2004
Doris A. MeschOccupational Therapist06/09/202106/10/2017
Arizona Auto Lenders, Inc., Cottonwood Arizona BranchSales Finance Company06/30/202111/01/2019
AZ Hair Port, LLCBarber Shop06/30/202108/18/2020
Betty J. LesterAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202106/18/2014
Central HaircutsBarber Shop06/30/202101/13/1988
Check into Cash of Arizona, Inc., Cottonwood AZ BranchConsumer Lender06/30/202110/16/2017
Crow Hair StudioBarber Shop06/30/202102/20/2018
Daniel GrenoughAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202103/06/2020
Debbie A. HorattasAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202110/07/2016
Debra RojasAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202110/08/2014
Durans Barber ShopBarber Shop06/30/202105/02/1984
Elevated Touch Barber ShopBarber Shop06/30/202107/28/2015
Fast Auto Loans, Inc., Cottonwood AZ BranchSales Finance Company06/30/202106/08/2009
Felixs Barber ShopBarber Shop06/30/202101/18/2006
Great Clips #8583Barber Shop06/30/202111/05/2012
Karens Barber ShopBarber Shop06/30/202111/28/2011
Kathryn A. MartinezAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202106/30/2014
Larry Green Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Inc.Sales Finance Company06/30/202101/13/2011
Lori M. FrucheyAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202107/26/2007
Louis E. MiddelstorbAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202107/06/2000
Melissa J. ForteAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202104/18/2017
Rica M. ZahariaAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202105/07/2013
SFN Development, Inc.Sales Finance Company06/30/202111/18/2008
Southwestern Eye Center Cottonwood Optical, Ltd.Optical Establishment06/30/202109/05/2018
Terry L. WilliamsAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202105/22/2017
The Barber Shop Of CottonwoodBarber Shop06/30/202106/02/2004
Tonya L. GlennAssisted Living Facility Manager06/30/202101/16/2015



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