Pima County survey reveals strong business support for worker, customer safety

Pima County survey reveals strong business support for worker, customer safety

After Gov. Doug Ducey began to reopen the state, Arizona saw a spike in COVID-19 cases. | Facebook


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A Pima County-led survey of more than 600 small business owners and other community members found strong support for employee and customer safety during reopening.

The Pima County Business and Employee Health and Wellness Subcommittee administered the survey as part of the county’s Back to Business initiative, according to a press release from Pima County

Participants were asked questions in regards to best practices to follow when reopening business and resources necessarily to safely reopen.

Many who were quizzed indicated that sanitation and employee and consumer health should be highly prioritized when restarting operations.

The survey showed that more than 80% of respondents listed cleaning materials as a much-needed resource for safe and successful reopening, according to the press release from the county. Over 76% said the availability of personal protection equipment was very important.

Contact tracing to track people who may have interacted with those stricken with COVID-19 garnered large support, with more than 77% of participants expressing their approval.

Pima County relied on the survey’s responses and the Back to Business Steering Committee and Subcommittees’ efforts to commit to more community assistance measures.

These measures include aiding in the acquisition of critically short supply items, developing webinar training courses on best practice safety measures and consulting with the County Superintendent of Schools and school districts on how best to safely reopen campuses for the 2020-2021 academic year, according to the press release. 

Arizona was under a stay-at-home order until May 15. Once the order ran its course, gyms, spas, movie theaters, restaurants and bars were allowed to resume operations with several modifications that are mindful of the coronavirus threat.

The state has experienced a spike in confirmed cases and hospitalizations since Gov. Doug Ducey gave businesses the go-ahead to welcome back patrons, KVOA reported. 

Dr. Theresa Cullen, head of the Pima County Health Department, told the new agency that as much as 80 ICU beds are available.


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