Analysis: Indiana ranks 11th best on unemployment insurances taxes

Analysis: Indiana ranks 11th best on unemployment insurances taxes

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Indiana finished 11th in a new study by the Tax Foundation ranking which states have the most business-friendly unemployment insurance tax structures.

The state’s ranking decreased one position from its 2018 ranking, according to the foundation’s analysis, which is part of a wider study titled “2019 State Business Tax Climate Index.”

All states and the District of Columbia have unemployment insurance tax systems, which are federal-state programs that fund benefits to newly laid-off workers. Levies on employers fund the systems.

In the foundation’s analysis, those state tax systems that have low minimum and maximum rates, stick closely to the federal taxable pay levels, and don’t impose more surtaxes or additional benefits were rated the highest.

The Tax Foundation study rated the District of Columbia, but its ranking and score are separate from the 50 states.


How Do States Measure Up on Unemployment Insurances Taxes?

State2018 Rank 2019 Rank Rank Change from 2018 to 2019
Oklahoma1  1 0
Florida2  2 0
Delaware3  3 0
Louisiana4  4 0
Mississippi5  5 0
Ohio8  6 2
North Carolina6  7 -1
Missouri7  8 -1
Nebraska9  9 0
New Mexico16  10 6
Indiana10  11 -1
Alabama11  12 -1
Arizona15  13 2
North Dakota14  14 0
Kansas12  15 -3
Utah21  16 5
California13  17 -4
Texas26  18 8
Washington17  19 -2
Vermont18  20 -2
Montana20  21 -1
Tennessee22  22 0
Connecticut19  23 -4
Maine44  24 20
Minnesota37  25 12
Hawaii27  26 1
South Carolina29  27 2
Maryland24  28 -4
Rhode Island23  29 -6
West Virginia28  30 -2
New York30  31 -1
New Jersey36  32 4
Iowa34  33 1
District of Columbia30  33 -3
Arkansas32  34 -2
Alaska25  35 -10
Wyoming33  36 -3
Oregon31  37 -6
Georgia38  38 0
South Dakota39  39 0
Colorado35  40 -5
Wisconsin40  41 -1
Illinois42  42 0
Virginia41  43 -2
New Hampshire43  44 -1
Nevada45  45 0
Pennsylvania50  46 4
Kentucky47  47 0
Idaho46  48 -2
Michigan48  49 -1
Massachusetts49  50 -1
Source: Tax Foundation



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