GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Chamber board passes resolution urging President, Congress to end government shutdown

GREATER PHOENIX CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Chamber board passes resolution urging President, Congress to end government shutdown

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Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on Jan. 24.

January 24, 2019

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Re: Government Shutdown

Dear President Trump:

By way of a unanimous vote of the Greater Phoenix Chamber Board of Directors on January 24, 2019, we respectfully submit this letter strongly encouraging you and Congress to work cooperatively and expeditiously to end the partial government shutdown.

Today marks the 34th day of the partial closure of the most esteemed government structure in the modern world. To have our businesses and citizens cut off from services they expect and depend on for over a month with no indication of a resolution, is simply irresponsible and unnecessary.

We fully understand the political nature of the budget stalemate; however, we ask that everyone put partisanship aside for the greater good of the country and work together to fully reopen the government. As with all negotiations, no one side should expect to receive every request made during these negotiations. Frankly, the time for hardline stances and rhetoric has long passed. Now is the time for conversation and compromise.

Businesses and hardworking Americans are not exempt from paying taxes during the shutdown. These taxes pay for services we have a right to expect our government to provide. Access to the courts, licensure and inspections for bringing new products to market, protection of our intellectual property and health and safety are just a few of these vital services that have been impacted. Beyond the requirement of government to uphold basic operations paid for by citizens, our economy is beginning to feel the effects of thousands of employed individuals not receiving their paychecks. This limits their ability to pay for their basic needs and to support local businesses and restaurants with their purchases.

On behalf of the Greater Phoenix Chamber Board of Directors and the broader business community in Greater Phoenix, we implore you to act in a bi-partisan manner to end the shutdown and get our government back to work as soon as possible.

If we can answer any questions, or be of any further assistance, please contact us at your earliest convenience.


Sarah A. Strunk

Chair, Board of Directors

Todd Sanders

President & CEO

Jaime A. Molera

Chair, Public Affairs

201 N Central Avenue, Ste. 2700, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 602.495.2195 | Fax: 602.495.8913

Original source can be found here.



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