Just 52 borrowers in default on student loans after attending private Arizona colleges

Just 52 borrowers in default on student loans after attending private Arizona colleges

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Prescott College and Arizona Christian University reported the largest share of borrowers who defaulted on school loans they started repaying in 2014, according to a Higher Education Tribune analysis of federal data.

The analysis uses data, from the U.S. Department of Education, that tracks borrowers at all privately controlled schools receiving federal student aid. The 2014 cohort accounts for borrowers who entered repayment on selected federal loans in the given fiscal year and defaulted before the end of the second fiscal year.   

Altogether, five private institutions based in Arizona reported 52 borrowers in default. 


Borrowers in default

SchoolCityBorrowers in Default
Prescott CollegePrescott26
Arizona Christian UniversityPhoenix12
Southwest College Of Naturopathic Medicine & Health SciencesTempe6
International Baptist College & SeminaryChandler5
Phoenix SeminaryPhoenix3
Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid Office


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