Tucson Electric Power and MADD partnership going strong after 25 years

Tucson Electric Power and MADD partnership going strong after 25 years

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Tuscon Electric Power has supported MADD’s efforts to stop drunk and impaired driving, which claims about 300 lives and injures another 3,000 on Arizona roads each year. | Contributed image

Tuscon Electric Power (TEP) has been a supporter of several causes and nonprofit agencies, but among its longest partnership is with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), which already spans 25 years. 

The partnership between the two began when TEP employee Robert Bills was killed by a drunk driver while on the job back in 1993. That incident triggered the establishment of the “Drunk Driving Will Put Your Lights Out” campaign in collaboration with MADD, with the aim of promoting the safety of TEP employees as well as the entire community. 

“TEP has supported MADD’s efforts to stop drunk and impaired driving, which claims about 300 lives and injures another 3,000 on Arizona roads each year,” MADD’s statewide Executive Director Jason Frazier said. “(This funding) allows us to educate youth in schools about the dangers of underage drinking and teach parents how to talk to their kids about it. It also supports our victim specialists, who work with those affected by an impaired driver. We are with them from the beginning until as long as they need us.”

In addition, TEP contributed an additional $10,000 last year to support MADD’s educational programs and events including Honoring Heroes, which recognizes law enforcement, victims’ advocates and prosecutors; and Walk Like MADD, a walk/run event that aims to raise funds and awareness. 

“We’re not against people having a good time, but they need to have a plan for how they’re going to get home safely before they begin drinking,” Frazier said. 



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