Pima County agencies participate in crime scene preservation training

Pima County agencies participate in crime scene preservation training

UTAG focuses on safely and effectively managing accident and crime scenes. | File image


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Over 60 agencies from throughout Pima County recently joined other local, state and federal emergency response agencies for a special  training session on crime scene preservation and safety techniques.

The event, sponsored by the Utilities Threat Assessment Group (UTAG), brought together representatives from local and federal law enforcement, fire departments, emergency response agencies and local utility departments. 

Training included classroom sessions by the FBI, Tucson Police Department, Tucson Fire Department, Tucson Electric Power, and Southwest Gas. Through the training, participants had staged outdoor demonstrations such as a damaged car and utility equipment to recreate scenarios. During the demonstration, participants learned how to preserve crime scene evidence after a vehicle crash into a power pole which resulted in downed power lines.

The event was held at the Tucson Police Department Operations West substation.

UTAG is an informal ad hoc local partnership of agencies. The group focuses on safely and effectively managing accidents, criminal incidents and security threats which involve law enforcement, first responders, utility providers and the community.


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