Greater Phoenix Chamber aims to help fill state's 7,000 vacant cybersecurity jobs

Greater Phoenix Chamber aims to help fill state's 7,000 vacant cybersecurity jobs



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The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation (GPCF) has launched a website aimed at helping fill the state’s 7,000 vacant cyberpositions and addressing the talent gap for the growing cybersecurity industry.

In conjunction with Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the GPCF has launched, which targets students, employees, employers and educators regarding cybersecurity careers. The GPCF hopes the website will serve as a resource and help to fill the thousands of high-wage cyberpositions in Arizona that remain unfilled, according to a press release.

“This website is just a sample of the power that this workforce collaborative has to promote the fact that Arizona has world-class educational and workplace resources to help meet the tremendous demand for cybersecurity expertise,” Russ Johnson, co-chair of GPCF’s Cybersecurity Workforce Collaborative, said in a press release. “It is imperative to note that this is a vitally important and highly compensated skill that does not require a four-year degree to get started.”

“The platform takes an important step in providing a unified statewide message both within Arizona, and supporting Arizona’s growing nationwide recognition as a leader in responding to the cyber threat through highly creative solutions driven by unparalleled statewide cooperation,” Frank Grimmelmann, Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance president and CEO said.

According to the GPCF, over 300,000 cyber positions are open across the U.S., and that number is expected to grow to 1.5 million by 2019.


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