Arizona tech leaders to be honored this week

Arizona tech leaders to be honored this week

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Honeywell Aerospace and BenchMark are just a couple companies that will be among the best tech innovators and teachers in Arizona being honored at the upcoming 2017 Governor's Celebration of Innovation (GCOI) awards, BusinessWire reported. 

“We are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of our 2017 award winners,” Sandra Watson, the president and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority, said. “Arizona is a leading hub for technology and innovation, and we’re fortunate to have such incredible talent in our state.”

The celebration, which is organized by the Arizona Technology Council and the Arizona Commerce Authority, will be held at the Rawhide Event Center on Thursday. Some of the categories the winners were nominated for include the Start-Up Company Award, the Small Company Award and the Innovator of the Year Award.

“Determining the winners and finalists for this year’s GCOI was no simple task,” Steven G. Zylstra, the president and CEO of the Arizona Technology Council, said. “Our technology community is expanding every year, and the innovators that apply are truly the best and brightest. We congratulate those that were selected and look forward to honoring them.”

The Future Innovators of the Year Award winners include Somil Jain and Sachin Jaishankar of Hamilton High School in Chandler; Joseph Galasso of Galasso Homeschool in Tucson; Seoyoon Kim of BASIS Peoria High School in Peoria; and Vilina Mehta of BASIS Scottsdale High School in Scottsdale.

The names of more winners are available at the BusinessWire website.


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