Pima County board approves Sales Tax Advisory Committee appointments

Pima County board approves Sales Tax Advisory Committee appointments



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The Pima County board of supervisors has approved five appointments to the Sales Tax Advisory Committee.

The committee was created to look at funding roadway repairs as well as lower primary property tax rate, according to an announcement. It is expected to study the issue and make a recommendation to the board upon conclusion.

Those appointed include Allan Cameron for District 1, Dan Eckstrom and Larry Hecker for District 2, Rick Price and Dennis Minano for District 3, Wendell Long and Sergio Arellano for District 4, and Bob Gugino and Kelly Fryer for District 5.

Organizational recommendations were made, including Anita Smith Etheridge, representing Tucson Urban League; Mark Clark, representing Pima Council on Aging; Michael McDonald, representing Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona; Robert Medler, representing Tucson Metro Chamber; Karen Schutte, representing Pima County Small Business Commission; Larry Gibbons, representing Southern Arizona Home Builders Association; Charles Wetegrove, representing Southern Arizona Lodging and Resort Association; and Mark Van Buren, alternate, representing Southern Arizona Lodging and Resort Association.

Pima is the only county in Arizona without a sales tax.

If the county introduces a half-cent sales tax it has been estimated it will bring in $69.8 million for 2018-19 fiscal year. It would also mean that the average-income residents in the county would pay $90 per year.

The decision was made at the Sept. 5 meeting.


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