Avondale testing LED streetlight system

Avondale testing LED streetlight system

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Avondale is considering an upgrade to LED streetlights citywide, which could lead to lower utility costs, higher visibility and safer streets, the city said.

The city government has opted to replace its current high-pressure sodium (HPS) system to one using LEDs along specific roads as a preliminary way to gauge its viability. In addition, the switch would support the city’s sustainability mission and build on LED fixtures installed in 2016.

As crews make their way through Rancho Santa Fe, Coldwater Springs, Garden Lakes and Cashion, residents will receive notification whether the LEDs remain permanently, which will be decided after a monthlong trial period.

A public informational forum from will be held from 6-8 p.m. Sept. 18 in City Hall at 11465 West Civic Center Drive, during which residents will learn more details and offer comments on the pilot project. The meeting will be in the main lobby.

Residents may alternatively participate in the LED questionnaire posted on the city’s website or contact Drew Bryck, environmental program manager, by calling 623-333-4220 or emailing dbryck@avondale.org.


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